
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mentherex, May 2, 2009.

  1. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    U-Turn V.2

    U-Turn V.2
    Created by xMethadosx

    Supported Gametypes:
    Made for Conquest but works with all

    Map Description
    I am new to conquest, in fact I just found out about it yesterday. I really liked how the maps worked and the gameplay, so I thought I'd give it a shot. This is my first Conquest map and my second map I posted here.

    The map is like most others, it’s symmetrical with the same weapons on both sides. There is a teleporter in the back of each base which will take you all the way to the other team’s base, but you will be in a cage, so there’s no coming back. The reason it’s called U-Turn is because half way through you in a word pull a U-turn and head to the other teams base which is right next to yours. There are the basic weapons given in conquest, and they are:

    Battle Rifle x2
    SMG x4
    Spiker x4
    Brute Shot x2
    Magnum x4
    Plasma Rifle x4
    Plasma Grenada x4
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Pistol x2

    Edit: I forgot to add plasma pistol and magnum to the map. The plasma pistol is right next to the frags and the magnums are right about the plasma pistols.

    After reading some "friendly" comments, I found some problems and fixed them.

    -The cage now can only fit 1 person.
    -The long open path before the "X" bridge now as 2 boxes for cover.
    -The middle of the level with territory #3 now has a block in the center to make it less open.
    -A few little things cleaned up to look nicer.
    -Now works with every gametype.

    Also note: The cage is in front of the base up above them, not behind. You spawn faceing into the cage, so if someones in there then if your reflexs are fast enough you can take him out yourself. Also if you just make a run for it you most likely will get out of your base before he can kill you. The only people that really should get killed are people who try to fight but can't win against someone who can't move or someone not ready and has horrable reflexs.


    Territory and Plasma Rifles

    Path with Plasma Granades

    Blue Base (Same as Red Base)

    Teleporter to other base


    Door way into base

    "X" Bridge with Brute Shots

    Anyway, thanks for taking a look at my map, hope you guys like it.

    Download U-turn
    Download Conquest
    #1 Mentherex, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I think it's clear what the best thing about this map is. The cage. It's a halogasm. Seriously, it looks sweeeeeet and could be used really well in machinima I think. Everything else on the map however, looks a little blank, and you could have added a bit more cover.

    I will download mainly because I want to see how you made it. It`s honestly REALLY cool.
    #2 Rifte, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  3. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    I think the cage looks sweet, but my main question is: what is it used for?

    Also, I love the layout: The long path full of aesthetics to get to the other base and the long way back. It would work well for long games of assault or CTF
  4. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    Ya, see I never made this map work for other gametypes, its only a conquest map. I can make another version that is more suited for other games and put them in.

    Also, the cage is so when your team is taking territories you can warp to their base and camp in the cage, and kill them as they spawn. Also if you back in the teleporter as soon as the match starts you can really slow them down while your team makes a move.
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Ah, just a mention about the cage. It is not good for it to be spawn killing. Perhaps if it were moved outside the spawn area it would be better. Also when making tele-cages it would be better if you couldn't move around, as tele-cages are intended to be one person occupants, with no way out.
  6. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    Ya, I know what you mean, but you are pretty far away from the spawns, you are in the same room but its a big room, and if your in there by yourself you most likely won't get a kill, or 1 if your lucky.

    But not like its unfair, there is one for both teams so you can pull it on them to. lol, just don't go in their portal and end up in your cage lol.

    I also tried making it smaller but it looked like crap so I left it that big lol, plus I think if their whole team went in there you just walk away and they are all stuck.
    #6 Mentherex, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  7. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    My general opinion is that tele-cages are entirely detrimental to gameplay... you may not have realized the importance of at least making it 1 person only so that a whole team doesn't go in there. Features that stop a player's movement and cause them not to move towards the territories generally take away from the overall feel and fun of conquest, imo.

    Before I comment on anything else, I suggest you look at these two guides.
    Not to sound condescending, but the best conquest maps generally follow these guidelines.

    A few other things you might take a look at if you so choose to make a version 2 include the fact that some of the territories are not touching. (especially the 2nd and third territories). Due to the openness of the third territory, it would probably be very easy to maintain control of it and harder to recapture it if you're on the losing team. At the same time, going for the enemy's territory would be stupid, as the walk is so far and they would surely respawn by the time you got there.
  8. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    YOU DID WHAT!? I love conquest, but you just did a very bad thing. You made it so that a guy is behind them in a cage when he goes through a teleporter? Are you retarded? I am fully aware of the three seconds after spawning you are invinsible, but if your holding a sniper and your in the cage, by the time they turn around to kill you bam they're dead. You just messed up this map by doing that. I said oh, the bruteshot isn't placed well, but it is a powerful weapon that can blast people of the edge. Your map had minor flaws, and I excepted those. Then I saw the telebox. And for all of you who thought it was cool, heres a link to the map that ORIGINALLY made it. It wasn't him. Mausoleum. The only other thing besides the cage that I didn't like was probably the bruteshot spawn and the there should have been more territories. Add two territories to where the bruteshots are and move the bruteshots to each persons first territory so that if you get pushed back, you can have the power weapon to defend with. I guess you did okay with your map for your first time, but it really needed some work. Also, move the cages to where the plasma nades are and just remove the ramps to place a cage. Theres no territory right there so that the cage isn't too powerful.
  9. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    Ok, the cage is in front of them, not behind them, so they would be more ready then the attacker, there is no sniper or any one hit kill weapons so the team would know he is there (if some how you don't see him the second you spawn) as soon as he starts shooting, then the team can ether throw nades or just shoot back, he isn't that hard to take out. And another thing, wow, nice, calling me retarded, thats classy.

    Ok, so that takes care of 80% of your comment there.

    Also, half the team spawn out of his view, and you can easily just run past him, its not that far before your under him and he can't see you, then throw a grenada up in the cage and he is done.

    O, and I guess your saying I took the cage idea from him are you? Because I didn't I never even seen that map before. Its not that hard to make a cage, I found out how to in like the 4th time playing in Sandbox.
    #9 Mentherex, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  10. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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