The Wall by CHUNKIEluver00 It is hard to imagine the forerunners who built this did not plan it for intense, competitive symmetrical gametypes. DL Here: : Halo 3 File Details This is my first map post, so be nice. The Wall is a map I have been working on (on and off) pretty much since I first downloaded sandbox and loaded up Forge, and is my freshman venture into the forging world. I read the "Forging 101" articles on merging and interlocking on this website (very helpful), but please realize that I did the best I could to make everything smooth, although there are some bumps and rough edges. Overall, though, I am very proud of the way this map came out, and it played pretty well in the brief playtesting I could get in. So, without further wordiness, here is The Wall: Weapons: (only what I can remember; actual results may vary) BR x6 Plasma grenades x8 Carbine x2 Missile pod x2 Needler x2 Sniper x2 (one spare clip) Plasma pistol x2 Rockets x1 (one spare clip) Overshield x1 (180 secs) Bubble shield x2 Power drain x1 Mongoose x2 Gametypes: It is optimized for CTF and team slayer, so that is all that is available now. But I will probably be adding neutral assault and FFA slayer to the mix soon to see how they work. Updates: 5/2: Added Neutral Assault as a compatible gametype. Pics: Overview of the bases Overview of one side (symmetrical) View of one base Elevator leading to top mid (symmetrical) Top mid and rocket spawn Bottom mid and OS spawn Main choke point and power drain Sniper tower blue side (symmetrical) Needler structure and sniper catwalk (symmmetrical) Action Pics!!! RACE 2 DA ROCKETS! I win! Victory is sweet. Flag running Elite on the prowl U got NO-SCOPED! Calling in backup A special thanks goes to all the participants in the TTS gamenight who helped test it. DL link again: : Halo 3 File Details This being my first map, I would really like to hear some constructive criticism. I am really hoping that at least some of you will download it and grab a game or two and come to me with the feedback, or at least tell me what you think. Thanks.
this map is really cool, I like how you aren't forced to take a particular pathway, you are given the option of multiple entrances. The interlocking is also exceptional, I particularly like the walk way down from the rocket spawn to the main choke point. And asthetically this map is brilliant final word: a great CTF game, I hope to see lots more of your work
Thanks a lot. I put a lot of time into it. But c'mon, no one else has any thoughts? Criticisms? I won't see this fall to the bottom of the pile of maps because people were too lazy to look at it.
Ok, I downloaded, cause pic 12, that ramp sold me on this map. I haven't played around on it yet, but this map looks like it has a pretty sweet layout. The only thing I didn't like from the pics is the bases look kinda plain. The whole map looks like its got tons of little details put into it, then the bases look alittle plain. This map probably plays awsome, so I'll try and get some guys to try a custom on it and get back to you.
Yeah, the bases were one of the last things I built. I started with the center structure and the sniper towers and went form there, and the bases were kind of uncreative and bland, but I think they serve their purpose. Most of the action takes place around the center anyway, though, so it shouldn't be too big a deal. If I get enough feedback and make a v2, I'll try to spruce them up a bit.
I guess the biggest problem I found was in a flag game, you can run and jump off the base towards the wall, and "toss" the flag to your team mate that is waiting there. Its too easy to get up onto that center wall. People like me would exploit that all game long. Other than that, it plays fun. You're right about the bases. You don't need to make them any more complicated than that cus ALL the fighting seems to happen in the middle building. Good job
If the main problem is just the center wall, I can easily fix that, just add another level of walls (I still haven't hit the dreaded item limit). BTW, did you test it on any other gametypes? I would like to, but I don't have enough friends on XBL who are willing to test with me =(. I might have to try and set up a testers guild session to work out any other bugs. There will definitely be an updated version coming soon, though.
I really like the middle structure it makes the map feel taller. The bases are nice they could use some more room to strafe on and cover. The grav lifts are cool on the side, the only thing I don't like is the corner in the back that's not lit up, it feels kind of empty. Good job though keep up the good work.
very nicely made (i didn't run games but i just walked through it) interlocking is very smooth and it looks very aesthetically pleasing, if you want you can send me a FR and we could see if we could get 8 people for a test
V 1.1 is done -- added a couple of double boxes to the wall to help with the flag throwing problem, and geomerged the back of the bases so you cannot just walk around the whole outside. Couple of other tweaks as well.
Whoops, my interwebs are being funky and wont load up bnet. Srry, link is still to old map. Will try and get new one up asap.