What's the name of that clan that gets like one kill and then hides for the rest of the game in ridiculous places? I remember seeing videos on some clan like that and I want to show their videos to someone. Thanks.
Hidden League Gaming. Isn't that like a group and not a clan? I'm pretty sure some other clans too, without having HLG in their name BTW, playing like that is looked down by most players. People often call HLG's cheap and insult them and all those bad stuff.
HLG isn't a clan. It's a type of player or style of playing. Plus, most of us don't just get one kill and hide. We actually play the game until there are a few minutes left, then hide. In addition, the classic stereotype that HLG kids suck and have no talent can be disproved by the facts that you have to get the kills before hiding, which takes skill, and getting to the spots isn't all that easy, either.