Ok so I am making this mini-game and I was wondering if this side looks aesthetically appealing(hence the title), and so I was gonna ask you all if you think it is and anything that could be cleaned up. It only has 1 screen shot because I do not want you all to know what the mini-game is gonna be like, and no it is not soccer . If this does get passed by forgehub then the other side will be the same.(except red and with a banshee)
The only part that doesn't seem 100% is the (what looks like) the Double Block floor, the middle two pieces, as well as the roof, single wall on the far right. You should try to make either only one show up on top or have an interlock so it would look like it's one big block, instead of seeing both of them overlap each other. Other than that, looks good to me, keep it up.
Wow.... I actually really, really like that. So to answer your question yes. It is asthetically pleasing.
Yay good replies I will try to fix the one double box and the single wall problem as best as I can, if anyone else gives me advice by the end of the night I will be sticking with this plan.
it looks pretty good but the are you gonna move the active camos? because players will pick them up to become invisible... i would remove them unless they play a role in your minigame
I am glad you said this because I forgot to clearify this, the camo is strictly aesthetics, the players can not get to them, but thank you for asking.
It looks nice but I suggest you interlock some other item like an obelisk on the sides. Right now it just looks like a house to me. But why is their a hornet?
It looks very nice to me. Do as speed-e cake said; fix some of your interlocks. Also, I think it'd be better if you flip the walls so it would look more stoney. Also, the hornet feels out place to me. I suggest you either move it or take it out completely. Overall, it looks good. Remember Gameplay > Aesthetics
ok, I will see about the wall flipping thing, The hornet is not there for gameplay it is just there for aesthetics, whenever it is made it will make more sense but till then I just wanna know if it looks nice because no matter what the aesthetics are on the minigame it is gonna have the same gameplay.
To me, the hornet kinda ruins the look, so does the power ups. I would recommend you to use those colored columns or obelisks to make it look nice. Power ups just don't seem as aesthetically pleasing as they used to in foundry, since now we got more options. Good luck on the map!
Ok, I see. Also, I was just making sure you weren't solely focused on aesthetics. Also does the Hornert and Banshee fit the theme (IE Back story or Location)?
Hey, good to see you got the picture up and running. The aesthetics look great, although I agree with Speed E Cake in the sense that the interlocking looks a bit off – just perfect that and it'll be awesome. Also, I'm not a big fan of the hornet, so if it is purely for aesthetics, I would recommend taking it out and maybe replacing it with an aesthetic-looking object (like a fin or something similar. Although probably not a fin.)
There isn't really a theme to it they are just there to be there for a little of aesthetics, I think I have a better Idea for them and it will look pretty epic but I am not a gonna show that till the map is finished and tested, if anyone wants to test it just tell me and I will put you on a list, I don't really wanna do the Testing guild thing because A) I don't understand it completely and B) It is not really that... Classy if I can use that wordage, anyway just tell me if you would like to help test it, I need someone with a mic that could explain how to play because I do not have a mic, well atleast a workable mic. When I am done I will probably ask someone that has kept the most up to date with this, like probably What's a scope, If I should put the Hornet and Banshee in, It's gonna look pretty kick ass when I am finished if I invision it correctly.
I like the way all of it looks, cept the powerup markers. they look cheesy and "noobish". If the hornet serves no purpose, i dont like that either. If it does, it is fine as is.
The hornet does not serve a purpose but when I do get it the way I want it I will post another thread or edit this one if it is still active to see if people like it
This piece would lose all of its aesthetic value if you did that. I really really liked the blue lighting and power ups. It has this nice glimmer on the hornet. The ground looks sloppy but nobody expects you to fix it since there is no known way. Columns FTW. They mix up the color scheme transforming a bland structure into a beautiful piece of forgery. ~Forgegod117~
Yay somone who didn't hate the hornet, The way I am gonna make the new hornet is gonna be kick ass. I might do it tonight and edit this thread so people stop making those comments...