The recent outbreak of swine influenza has cause Australia to tighten its airport security. Don't let the infected in! Before I start with the map I'd like make a few things absolutely clear. 1. This is not a sick joke intended to piss off people. I simply thought that it would be cool to have an infection gametype based on swine flu. 2. This is not a racist joke against Australians. I am Australian and proud. 3. This is my first map here so please be nice. 4. If you have any suggestions on how this map or game could be improved then please do share them with me. NOW FOR OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION! AUSTRALIA! Australia is an infection map recommended for 12-16 people. While I was making this I tried to make it as real as possible. The humans are airport security guards (coloured blue) and have the job of keeping the swine flu infected people (coloured pink (swine)) out of Australia. Three players will start off as zombies at the beginning of the match. The Swine flu infected people fly over to Australia (just like IRL) on mancannons. The swine have energy swords to start with and the security have shotguns (they can't be expeted to stop the infected while they're flying can they?). One of the things I love about this map are the call outs. Zombies in SA! Swine coming from South West! Sydney, Sydney, Sydney! lol Gametype info: Swine flu v1: The zombies are pink to represent pigs. They have an energy sword and normal shields. They also have normal gravity and speed. Weapon pickup is disabled. They are pretty much pink humans with energy swords. Humans are blue and start out with a shotgun. Weapon pickup is disabled. Swine Flu v2:The differences from v1 are humans have shotguns and pistols, zombies have no shields and move with 125% speed. Basically v1 is like "Save One Bullet" and v2 is like "Brains". PICZ TIME! Zombies start on platforms. There are 8 platforms in total. Red (North) Blue (South) Yellow (East) Purple (West) You may have noticed that South is blue because it's colder there and North is red because it's hotter. Humans start in the middle of Australia Australia After 2 mins oversields and camos spawn to help the zombies Over shield Camo BANG IN THE FACE FX Download: Australia (map) : Halo 3 File Details Swine Flu (gametype) : Halo 3 File Details Swine Flu v2 (gametype) NOTE: Swine Flu v1 is not bad. It is just a different gametype. v1 is like "Save One Bullet" and v2 is like "Brains". Please enjoy.
Seems like it would be difficult for the humans and take almost no skill on the zombie part :/ Perhaps have them actually fly over (hornets and banshee) so that the zombies could dodge the shots. And to prevent the zombies from killing the humans in the vehicles, you could have the zombies start unable to deal damage, make the goal to fly to a small island in the middle, above australia, on the island have a custom powerup which removes their ability to use vehicles and gives them the ability to deal damage.
Wow, this is a good idea andit looks great. It also looks really tough for the humans. I will donload this. I actually hope I see this in a TGIF party because I think it would be a lot of fun. Also, I like the fact you shaped the human platform as Australia. This looks really nice. Good job.
Maybe I should just give the humans pistols and the zombies no shields? That stuff sounds really complicated. I'll try both and get back to you later. EDIT: Actually I'll just give pistols and make the zombies have no shields. When I was making this I wanted the gameplay to be fast paced and hectic. Making zombies fly over to a platform, pick up a custom powerup and then drop down to Australia sounds really slow.
Love the concept, that is a great rendition of australia in forge form. Personally I would have put tunnels underneath to give the humans somewhere to spawn safely and retreat to.
Looks really original and great idea, but like said above, looks like the humans will have a hell of a tough time. but the forge rep. of australia is great. good map dl
i have something like this, lol but its not shaped like Australia. its a square & the man cannons are on top of the golf grass things upside down.. i put a hill in it so its a moshpit (however you spell that) in the platform its pretty cool, but i like ur map too i really like the Australia shaped platform. great job man 4/5 (on what it is) oh! you might wanna check on the split screen play cuz when i am on one screen the lifts take me where i want, but on split screen the lift shoot me higher & over the platform, so you might wanna check that since ppl. might play split screen once an a while. (you know?) (comment my profile if you got anything to reply on this comment i sent you)
Lol, hideously tasteless. Sounds like fun though. Hey, I said I'd like an infection map like this when Pigs fly. I like this, and surely enough, swine flu!
Haha! I think the whole concept is funny!(Not being racist or evilist) Because I live in an area that's in fear of the swine flu, I'm surprised that it's so quickly become a map. I think the australia is kinda good, but if you want to REALLY overachieve, you could have those indentions coming up from Australia that you see on the global maps showing elevation differences. It looks amazingly simplistic and fun on the zombie side AND the human side.
Or you could have made mexico be the zombie spawn and australia be the human spawn and the flu is spreading from mexico =p. This is a good idea, it's nothing fancy but it looks like it could be fun for a while. Zombies are a bit overpowered, you should either make them slow or have less shields in my opinion. 4/5
Wow this looks like a very fun infection map! I love how you made the shape of australia almost perfect. Ill have to download
This map seems creative and innovative. Rather than take time to make a very competitive map with interlocked chambers and bases, it is simple and original. Zombies fly at you and you have to kill them. Doesnt get any better. But I have an idea from Mr Garfunkle. Sort of like his making mexico, how about you completely change this, and make a map series. One map on US, Mexico, all countries with the swine flu right now. And make a map pack out of this gametype, with different gameplay designs on each. And finally, to top it off, create a final finale map, every country on one map, humans on each, banding together in a last effort to stop the swine flu. Zombies flying from everywhere, every country, and only two goals. For humans, dont let the infection spread. For zombies, infect EVERY country remaining. Just an idea, but if you did it and it worked, it would become famous. Great map, wish I had the mythic maps to download
It would be really interesting if like the zombies had the poor invisibility setting because viruses can't be seen. That way it would make it harder for the humans to kill the zombies. Maybe have the humans with magnums and the zombies have regular damage resistance but no health. That might make the game work a little better. Or maybe the zombies have like a decay on there shields to represent a virus getting weaker the longer it is out in the open instead of in a host(sorry had to add a little science). Just a thought. More on what Eternal Reconnaissance said. It would be awesome if you have it so there are many countries on one map. Like the humans spawn on Mexico and the zombies spawn on a launching platform that leads to Mexico. From there the humans can back off to other countries in the order that each was infected with the swine flu. The zombies would continue to spawn on the mexico launch platform and try to get to other countries. The humans would be able to retreat to other countries, farther from where the zombies spawn(representing the spread of the flu). Just another thought.
haha!! "the zombies are pink to represent pigs" epic! xD a pretty nice idea, pretty basic (but who cares, it's swine flu related) and amazingly tastless. keep it up.
I love the ascetics of Australia, and the take on swine flu with airports being closed there, good map. A noob vote gives you a 5/5 ( with the changes I think you will make)
ATTN: Everyone, Swine Flu v2 is now up and running and can be downloaded from my file share here: : Halo 3 File Details The differences from v1 are: 1. Humans start with shotguns and pistols. 2. Zombies have no shields. 3. Zombies have 125% speed. Please tell me which gametype you prefer (also how do I add a poll? I thought it used to be in "thread tools" but it's not there anymore)
It is good. It is simple. But I may add that it seems to be a tad racist. Humans will be Humans be I would not recommend supporting it. Isn't that against the rules? Anyway, good map.
OMG! that is australia haha.. this looks funny the swine flu has taken over australia but this looks really fun i have to dl this nice job and idea! 4/5
haha lol you should make other places Ex. USA ASIA and so on and have it spread... good map my school got shout down 4 a week because of it lol Gt SKS shadow SKS
They won't anymore now that I've made Swine Flu v2. As long as the humans are smart and watch their backs it should be a fairly balanced game. btw what is this "TGIF" that SVV33T SAUC3 spoke of?