OUBLIETTE Oubliette-A secret dungeon with an opening only in the ceiling, as in certain old castles. Hello, again! I'm back with my fourth map, Oubliette! This map is a very good and fun map, and I hope you like it and downlad. As always, comment, criticize, and rate, and tell me what to fix and improve. Thanks. DESCRIPTION Oubliette is a symmetric team-based map that is built in the crypt. It can play anything. For this map, I tried to use a new kind of architecture, Brute Architecture. More like carved stone, it gives an ancient, rocky mystical feel to it, and I think it looks fantastic. This map has many different variations of levelment, from high on the arches of the Shotgun Tunnel to the bottom pits under the ramps and bases. The map is completely symmetrical, and each team is given the same things, and it plays smooth and nice, and kick-ass fun. This map took about a week to make and I took my time into everything, even though I'm not perfect, but I put effort into this. There is a lot of examples of interlocking and geo-merging in the map. Now, to the story! STORYLINE The ancient covenant race of the Brutes have fought valiantly in battle, charging and mauling the enemy that trembles in fear. Before sundown, a pack of these giant barbaric killers would have slaughtered an entire OSDT army. There leader, Tartarus, and other high-ranking official believe torture and negotioation tactics prove useful when dealing with people know valuable knowledge and intel. The brutes bring back squad leaders to be talked with. The Brutes where stubborn to do this, because it seemed everytime they would either eat them alive in frustration, or drop the into the oubliette. The Oubliette was a hell on Earth for anyone who was banished to it. They'd be dropped approximately 1000 feet to the bottom of the Oubliette, and left to starve or commit suicide, since the only way out was through the hole in which they were dropped, and the walls are slanted and the hole thin. More captives are dropped down to claim this site as their grave, and there seems to be a surplus of P.O.W.s during the attack on Harvest. You were the first one down there. You have the weapons to kill. Cannibalism just seems like a new gametype for you here, doesn't it? Getting hungry for some human? You better be, because down here, it's eat or be eaten. WEAPON LIST -Weapons- - 2 AR's - 2 BR's - 1 shotgun (Symmetric) - 1 Sniper Rifle - 2 carbines - 4 spikers - 2 maulers - 2 brute shots - 1 gravity hammer (Asymmetric) -Equipment- - 4 frag Grenades - 2 plasma grenades - 2 spike grenades - 1 firebomb - 2 bubble shields - 2 flares - 1 regenerator -Vehicles- - 2 mongeese - 2 ghosts (Symmetric) Forging 101 Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch To Pictures! Overview 1 Overview 2 Aerial Overview Blue Base Inside Blue Base (SMG's on left are spikers) Red Base Inside Red Base Center Area-Shotgun/Gravity Hammer Tunnel Gravity Hammer Tunnel [/URL] Shotgun Spawns (Symmetrical) Gravity Hammer Spawns (Asymmmetric) Arches-Sniper/Firebomb Spawn Blue Speedbump Red Speedbump Blue Ramp Red Ramp Blue Ghost Spawn Red Ghost Spawn And me as my super Elite of White Light! I hope you like Oubliette. DOWNLOAD OUBLIETTE
love the map, the interlocking looks nice and crisp, there could be a little more cover at the base though
Nice looking map, i agree though that it could do with a bit more cover at the bases, but overall it looks well put together. DL and 4.5/5.
Oooo nice looking map. You have my DL and i will have a review hopefully sometime tomorrow. Quick question did you get the name from a certain Metroid Prime Hunters for the DS?
This looks like a very nice map. I agree that there should be more cover at the base or make them bigger. It also looks like there it could use more cove around the sides.
thx 2 all who commented i will listen 2 your comments but i hit the object limit so i gotta do somethin idk. A no i didn't base the name on the mEtroid prime hunters watever i dont even own that game. But thx 2 all
This map looks really nice aesthetic wise. I like the big tunnel. I also like the fact that instead of putting both a shotgun and a gravhammer that used the symmetry options. Good job. The base doesn't need any more cover in my opinion. I think it's fine as is. Good job once again.
I came when I saw this, dude. I think the community is finally starting to produce epic maps on Sandbox, like Foundry now! I really love the way that the bases are set up, and the middle structure, too! Good job.
thz 2 all that commented again. i just got home from school, so i had 2 check on this. Im going 2 be making a V2 hopefully after my other map, so make sure 2 check back. thx 2 all u all get cokkiez if u comment. Chocolate chunkie! i no u want 1... right? yea... lol but rly thx
Hey man, I just played this today with two friends and we loved it! The middle structure is awesome; especially the pink orb. We liked that a lot. Our only complaints are that: 1. It's a little too dark for our liking. And 2. The two bases seem a little small. Other than that, we thought that this was a superb map. The weapons I think are good. Good number of BRs and other weapons in my opinion. The vehicles definetly went with the map and played well. We also love the Carbine towers on top of each of the bases. So, I give you a 4.8/5 Great job, just see if you can do anything about the lighting and the bases. (Understand if you can't, you are close to budget) Can't wait to see the v2! Edit: Whoops I forgot one more thing, there also needs to be a little more cover by the speed bumps. It's just a tad too open. Maybe a column right in the middle of the speed bump would do?
thx flaming omelet, ill be sure to try and use your comments. Idk i might make it lighter and the bases i think are fine. V2 is coming soon! (im working on maps 4 forgotten treasures so im busy) so check back soon V2 is on the way.
Wow I love you 'brute' architecture!! I dont think I've seen anything quite so interesting. I question the gameplay a bit though, it seems a little open in parts. The center seems like it would gravitate action, so it might work out anyways. Good job, either way, it's got my DL! P.S. Did you get that name from Metriod Prime Hunters by chance? Just asking!
lol no i dint get the name from metroid prime hunters funny some 1 already asked that... w/e thx for the praise it helps, and i havent tested long ill test my V2 s o i dont know about cover situations when i played it it seems fine
Nice Very nice map. The interlocking is very good along with the bases. It looks very fun to play. Dl 4.5/5 The only thing that need improvement is that it is very dark. You could add some more lights or turn on Juicy effect. Good tho. By the way, Nice Typo. "I I still will be back" rofl
Zack i have the juicy effect on and all the lights have been used on the map. Wat do u want me to do? I don't think it's that dark but if it's a problem ill fix it. thx
i really dont think that would work... at all. in any way. Maybe they will but i gotta delete objects for the killballs then cuz i reached the limit. I might make it lighter and add more cover in v2. thx again. P.S. i didn't answer for a while cuz of band trips and **** like that.
yes turn juicy off, you don't really need any fx on this map since its a slayer map. No one really wants anything hindering their sight either. I think colorblind might help the brightness a little. You won't lose the color but it will become slightly brighter. All in all, I'm excited for V2 and i hope you have great success with it.