A Giant's Den v4 This is the first map i've put up on forgehub, I hope you like it. A Giant's Den v4 The map is an asymmetrical monster, with the defenders spawning high up in a corner, and the attackers spawning in the opposite bottom corner. Its named Giants Den because of the feeling of hugeness you get when you play the map. The map invokes a very Hang 'em High ish feel, with long battle rifle fights over multiple different levels. Theres always a ledge you can climb, a lift you can take, a ramp you can scale, you get you to the upper parts of the level, towards the flag. I put a lot of thought and effort into the map, as far as the routes I provided, the advantages and disadvantages of taking certain routes, and so on. Most all of the weapons are placed on the bottom of the level, to force combat and interaction in the lower parts of the map. No longer can a team sit in the base with turrets and BR's and camp, if you want weapons your going to have to leave. I'm not a merging pro, but I tried to utilize it to get a smooth looking level. There are a bunch of different ways to get into the base, and I mean a LOT. Weapons & Equipment 1x Shotgun 1x Mauler 1x Sniper 1x Laser 1x Overshield 1x Regenerator 1x Bubble Shield 1x Tripmine 1x Machine Gun Turret The map works best for 1 Bomb/1 Flag/Team Slayer, just make sure BR's are the spawning weapon. Whats new in V2? -Added a mauler on the bottom floor under the defenders base. -Fixes spawn points for bomb and flags in 1 flag variants. -BR's removed from Blue base, MAKE SURE BR'S ARE THE SPAWNING WEAPON. Whats new in v4? -Laser moved to under red base, sniper moved to blue base. -Bottom Level redone to better break up lines of sight and make for more balanced play. -Overshield moved to bottom level -Mauler moved to opposite side. -Elevator redone to use less pieces and be more effecient (the last one didnt always work) -A new walkway between the elevated platforms outside the base -Turrets taken from defenders, one given to attackers. Descriptions will be placed under the pictures. An "open field" of sorts, leading up to the red base. As you can see there are columns merged into the boxes to provide a little bit of cover, and theres also a bubble shield on the ramp before you get here, also providing cover (obviously). The second level is where the tunnel spits you out at. Theres also an elevator entrance. Also a good view of under the main base. A view of the top level of the map, and where the flag spawns/bomb is planted. A view outside of the base on the other side, going toward sniper. Under the "field". The bottom entrance to the elevator, and also to the right you can see a ramp going to the second level, right below the base. Looking at the ramp that takes you to the second floor under the base and the bottom floor under the base. DOWNLOAD Well there you have it, I hope you enjoy playing on this map. My GT is Kelvz if you ever wanna play this, or any other forged maps. I'm always down to play, test, or forge. If you have any critique please let me know! I'm always looking to improve upon the map, and your critique will definately help! Enjoy!
Man...... im going to have to DL to really understand this map dude, to me it looks like a maze (no offence) but it seems like a great map, and i can tell you spent alot of time on this 4/5 ill give a better rating in a couple days, on vacation right now, so cant play it
wow finally someone made a vertical map (that looks good) there isn't much that you can improve but umm why do you have two turrets really close to eachother also the path up to the sniper, could you replace the shield door with a low railing cause the shield door looks out of place and instead of so many blocks that people have to jump on could you turn them into ramps? because i personally hate jumping multiple times to get somewhere (i miss jumps also) it just slows down gameplay. other than these smallish problems this map is great. if you like # ratings here you go: 4.7/5
I've been waiting to see a map map like this. Taking the crypt and using the most out of the space provided. In an odd way it reminds me of Hang 'em High. I'll have to check this out soon. For now I give a 5/5 for using the crypt and the objects to your advantage.
Wow, this is the first Crypt map that I really like. Good job! I also agree with TurretFrog, it looks like Hang 'Em High! I love you for this, but not in that kind of way.
Oh wow. The complexity shown from these screens make the map look enormous. I'll have to DL to see just how it feels, but in the meantime, assume that I love this map to death.
This map looks huuuuge. Reminds me of Headlong for a very strange reason. The laser will make the game play feel good, as well as the sniper. I would also think that it seems like a jumping map, but I like jumping maps, so this is a definite DL for me. Oh, and the two turrets close to each other is also a small minor problem, but great map.
Its actually not very mazey at all, its pretty simple, it just looks pretty complicated. The two turrets are there becuase there are so many different routes into the base, I felt like the base needed something else to help defend. The map is HUGE as far as the lines of fire go, and the turrets are really easy to take out. An earlier version of the map had all ramps, but my brother pointed out to me the best maps in Halo history (like lockout and hang 'em high) have lots of ramps and blocks to jump up to. I just posted a v2 in the original thread, if you downloaded the map before 6:30 PST on Friday May 1st re-download for a newer version. I'm glad you guys like it
Oohh this is map is very sexy~! I dl'ed it earlier today and got some friends together and played it for hours. The creator did a good job on the layout, I got that hang em' high-esque sense of it too, +1 on that. Obviously, a lot of time went into the making of this. You can tell just by looking at all the merges on the map. Very smooth. So I have to give you an A+ for effort. I haven't tried it yet, but all snipers seems like it would be fun on this map in slayer or CTF. Another gametype that would be interesting on this is infection. Otherwise... slayer, 1-flag ctf, 1-bomb and koth are fun on this as suggested in the OP. EDIT: I'm dl'ing ver. 2 right now, likin the ideas of some of the updates. I'll add more here after i've played it...
Updated the original post, the map has been updated after extensive playtesting to v4, with new weapon spawns, a new bridge connecting two parts of the level and adding another BR platform and redone areas of the map to provide better gameplay.
It looks good and so does the base so i`ll say 3/5... I gave you a 3 because i noticed that in the center it looks very random and some of the map doesnt seem completly thought out.
Have you played it? The center is not built randomly, its built to provide fairness and balance when the attacking team is getting the flag out, before the defending team could easily camp the flag from the top level, now its balanced so the attackers have a better chance. Please, I beg, play before you rate.