
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Doomwake, May 1, 2009.

  1. Doomwake

    Doomwake Ancient
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    A Romanesque gladiatorial arena complete with a delayed-spawn warthog, a spectators box for Caeser, awnings to keep your pretty face from burning in the sun, and several hidden goodies to give you an upper hand in combat. Hot dogs are $5. Have fun and enjoy!

    Map : Halo 3 File Details


    Overview of the arena

    Crude but effective spectator box for Caeser

    A chariot to some, angry lion to others

    I have also created a game type for this map if you are interested. Best with 4 teams of 2. Try different starting and secondary weapons for even more fun and varied game play!

    Special thanks to 'SCARFACE 0890' for reminding me that Caeser needs a box. And to 'GTA Ruler1' for providing such an easy target in testing the gametype.
    #1 Doomwake, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  2. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Hey man no pics, get some up then i'll check it out.
  3. cburgdemon21

    cburgdemon21 Ancient
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    Very appropriate name for this map I think. Looks pretty cool, it looks really nice right where it's sitting too. You get my download.
    #3 cburgdemon21, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  4. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Well Its quite well done I'll give you that, definitely one of the better ones I've seen, but it isent that hard to make, or historically correct, but still nice job. I'll give it a 4/5 and try it out.

    #4 Blood of the Fallen, May 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2009
  5. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
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    This is really good, I like the layout. I gotta work on mine more to keep up with you guys :p The idea for the torches is cool. I'm going to dl it and check it out.
  6. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    how si this a switch? weapon layout? i need more pics/details before i can judge
  7. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Okay here doom, I'll give you a quick run down:

    1. Idk if you thought it would be better for game types and stuff, and just playing it, but the actual arena shouldn't have anything in it except if your modeling this after the roman Colosseum, or even the arena from oblivion in which case there should be 4 evenly spaced columns.
    2. The torch idea is great, but i would recommend geomerging them with the inside, so they hang or at least stand in the stands because in the arena, the combat circle, whatever you want to call it, there was always a ring of torches that went around the wall of the arena, while there were large columns with torches attached to all 4 sides that stood in the stands.
    3. It should be symmetrical all the way around with the 2 entry gates into the area facing each other across the Coliseum, usually people would sit behind the gates of their favorites unless they were neutral or new to the coliseum in which case they sat in the middle.
    4. There should be an armory for each side, each contestant, because usually they had to select their Armour and weapons from a long line of things, it made things interesting because you never knew what your opponent would use.

    I will say though that the tunnels, both into the stands and the arena are quite well done, good job.

    Anyway that's really all, i know you had an item and money limit so for the resources you had its very well done. So its still quite a good map, i just think if your putting it in the Aesthetic map section you should have concentrated fully on it being as realistic as possible, if its meant for slayer then it should go into either competitive or casual list.

    Anyway again, its quite well done.
    #7 Blood of the Fallen, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  8. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    I agree with Blood, there should be an armory. But other than that, I waited for someone to make a coliseum map, and this is by far that best one I have seen. I don't like the idea of the warthog though, too closed quarters.

  9. Funface

    Funface Ancient
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    Hello. This map is a good Arena. It looks fun to play on. But a few things you should add in a V2: A armory- Theres no weapons except for the spawning ones.
    Maybe a spawn point in Ceaser's box- Like VIP spawn so he/she could watch the fight. But well it is in the acetic section so you dont have to do that. But one question do you have this in the wrong section? This isn't a switch. You should think about removing that tag.
  10. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    wow this looks great. I like how you got the rune things showing looks exactly like an colliseum.

    and guys aesthetic maps dont require weapons these maps are for looks only.

    5/5 looks amazing

    PS-the grav lifts are a nice touch!!
  11. CrazyPants

    CrazyPants Ancient
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    I think that this is pretty pimptacular! I mean, it looks great. I honestly wouldn't play any matches on it. But it looks really cool
  12. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Dude, you could change this into a bull-fight arena, and it would be amazing.
  13. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    This is one of the best maps evar!
    I love how you interlocked everything it seems very smooth, and the entrances look fantastic, I can't wait to download this. Look very fun to play.
  14. ODST Leon

    ODST Leon Ancient
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    Haha, i love this 5/5 perfect forging, no flaws that I've seen yet. keep it up.
  15. RidleyXX45

    RidleyXX45 Ancient
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    Very well done. It must have taken a long time to make.
  16. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    This is really cool, its a great aesthetic map, best Colosseum i have ever seen, very neat and clean. Great job! 9.5/10 Keep it up!

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