Sandbox Sysmic Wave!!!! by HJ117

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by HJ117, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
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    this is a great map on the 3rd floor of sandbox with very smooth interlocking and some really great banked turns! here is download link and i hope you enjoy the map

    Sysmic Wave: : Halo 3 File Details
    1st bank
    2nd bank/downhill
    3rd bank
    bridge/4th bank part 1
    end of 4th bank/finish
    plz download and enjoy the map!
  2. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Wow this looks great it must have taken a while. I do recommend adding some more aesthetics if you still have any objects left, just to make it stand out, but I'll still download it.
  3. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
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    yea i know but i have no more objects left but like 5 lol o well
  4. NADE 2 the RAID

    NADE 2 the RAID Ancient
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    snip snap! a good sandbox track
    im tired of sifting through all of the garbage posts on here, 8/10 very smooth, nice banks but not a very original layout
    but overall very well done
  5. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    I think that you should remove the kill balls, I hate kill balls, its not even beautiful, its ugly, with the purple center.
  6. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    remove killballs and rename i dont know how to spell seismic but i dont thik you spelles right either
    looks like the past three racetracks ive seen not that good
  7. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    You know, all of the sandbox racetracks I see now all look identical. Seriously, this is smooth and well made, but it isn't anything special. I have yet to see anything special. Just add some aesthetics and maybe your map would be a little better. I don't really see anything I like or don't like or don't like especially. Sorry. Good job, I guess.
  8. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    There really is nothing special now lol weve basically done everything... The only things I know of that could be new are being tried and tweaked and are what most people would say impossible... It is really hard to have anything new the only things truly new now are how the track layout is which can make a big difference

    On to the map lol... From the looks of it it looks really good... Almost everything looks interlocked and it looks quite smooth and fun to play on... My only concern is that I hate using sheild doors lol becuase I think it takes out the skill of those turns... It doesn't really matter though great job =)
  9. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    I love to race on banked turns and You just...made... my love. It is great. I am going to DL and get feedback.

  10. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    Jeez what a pathetic post,

    look when this person started making this track alot of the recent tracks probably wouldn't have been out yet. And I agree that alot of the tracks are looking the same, why - because they are all insanely awesome! Huge banked turns that weave in and out of each other like pretzels, rolling hills, banks that are so steep you think you're going to fall off. I've always liked racetracks and I think I've DL'ed just about every good track that's been on FH. But they (foundry tracks) always felt like a custom creation on Halo, good for a diversion - to me anyway. But these new tracks (Sandbox tracks) me and my friends have been playing heaps of games on and they really feel like a racing game - not like halo. HJ117 has put in the time and effort to make a great looking track and this guy and the other guy who complained about the spelling and then mispelt himself - all they can do is whine, do you guys have any idea how hard it can be to interlock angled floating objects? On top of that it all comes together as part of a working racetrack and it's also smooth. Anyways - me and my friends will be having some fun races on the track for sure.

    Now, - a bit off topic, - just a few comments on what last chaos 7 said about original ideas in racetracks that I felt compelled to share, sorry HJ117 if this is being off topic on your thread (PM me if u want me to delete it). Dont want to sound like I think I've got any racetrack skills, I'm not a race track maker myself - but I do have a bit of experience with new ways to make man cannon jumps. I think that can be one way to bring more variety into tracks - jumps. But there are problems with these, mainly that you can easily flip the goose whilst landing it and interupt the flow of the race. I think there is two reasons for this, one is that the ramp itself can launch your goose at an angle - and it will land at an angle and bounce around and be unpredictable. Secondly, your goose can be put on an angle (usually leaning back) by the man cannon itself and you have the same landing problem. But I've found that if you can get a goose to fly through the air at a straight and level angle and if the land area is relatively level or in line with the angle of flight the goose can reliabily land (without flipping) just about any kind of jump - fast, small or big. Even epic jumps can be done reliably without flipping if you use a shield door to cushion the landing. So, I'll give some info to go along with these claims, one way I've found to get gooses to be able to do jumps and still fly level is to use shield doors and man cannons together. You have the gooses first bounce off an angled shield door to start the jump, and the goose just bounces and is still level. For this to work the part of the track beforehand has to be fairly level and flat and the shield door can't be on too much of an angle. Next the cannon's stream hits the goose, now that the goose is already in the air it should stay level and just go where the man cannon is pointing, it can be a fast and straight jump or a high looping one. Also, I came across a method for increasing man cannon power for truly epic jumps - another way to add variety? Anyway if anyone is interested I wrote a tutorial on how to do it and it's in "the forge tutorial master idex" in forge discusion (not trying to advertise that thread really, just want to back up what I'm saying). Other variety I've seen popping up is man cannon speed boosts marked out by tele arrows and I'm a big fan of ghost tracks.
    #10 Scalpel Technique, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  11. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Okay nice job since the map is finished HJ. I waited a while for you to get this done and I say it turned out very nicely altogether 4.5/5
    #11 Mongoose Tracks, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009

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