If you had to take over the world but needed Minions what would you chose. They can be from games, movies, books, Myths, anything you want. If people may not be familiar with it fill 'em in. I would chose the Aliens from the series of the same name, they are so kickass.
That is something I never thought of. Maybe grunts, because people won't take them seriously and neither will they but instill fear into them they will be kamikazies. I'm trying to think of others right now.
The minions who work with the joker in any batman media, their cheap and will keep the good guys busy (ever notice how the bad guys only lose when they take the goods guys head on?)
I'd take an army of super spartans ( As in the kind in greece) or an army of mothers. they wou.ld nag u to death
Is that really a minion, Minions are usually in larger numbers like the CloverField Monster Minions in the Subway but whatever it's you choice.