Ok, this is something me and some other dude were going on for awhile, so I'd like to get some input on it. What do you feel about rush tactics in Halo Wars? Whether it be Warthog, Leader, ect. Personally, I'm all against it. There is no "fun" value when it comes to rushing whether you're on either the giving or receiving end of it. I've done both, and it's basically pointless. Yes, you get a cheap victory out of it, however the amount of points you gain is basically minimal (meaning the reward is less), and there really is no game at all. I've heard the main argument that it's a tactic to catch the opponent off-guard. Now, this is true, and an early attack to hurt your opponent before they're ready can definitely put you at an early advantage. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who all they do is press on with that one unit until the person finally loses or just gets so frustrated and resigns. I've also heard the argument that just staying at your base until everything is fully upgraded takes less skill. This is true if you don't attack, however I believe that once you have a sufficient army, you shouldn't hold back to just... hold back. Then there's the possibility then than you'll be stuck with a pure defense and the game may as well just be a stalemate. I've had this happen multiple times as well. So what's your thoughts on the different strategies that can be applied in Halo Wars, what do you prefer using, and how do you counter certain strategies?
Hehe, rely on my two partners to distract the enemy while I build up and train all the powerful units and finish the fight. You can call me the Master Chief of the UNSC. I play 3v3 mostly because it has the most players, for obvious reasons. In 1v1 or 2v2 scenarios I switch to a semi-rush semi-turtle strategy and try to trick them into thinking I'm the rusher type, so they won't attack me, then I can build units until they catch on to my strategy. But mostly, I don't have a strategy. I play on my actions, if you know what I mean.
I like to build up one base, whist securing another to have as a supply only. So I like upgrading eveything, but when others play with rush tactics it isn't as much fun. However if you can survive their attacks while playing covanant you can get 2 scarabs of mass destruction, mhwaaaa!!
Rushing is annoying, but easily counterable if you respond with all counter units. Immediately after countering their attack, go to their base and start attacking it. Anyways, I usually play 3v3. I'm the base killer. My friends will concentrate on strategy, while I build up a horde of suicide grunts. Then I give the enemy blue hugs.
Like I said to the guy I beat, put up a fight. That's what makes it fun. If you keep quiting every match that you get rushed in, you're just making that person use that one tactic more and more and more. If you put up a fight, at least it can diverge to better battles.
The way I do it, is once I get a Scarab I leave (1 Scarab + 2 Engineers) too defend the base, then use the rest of my money too buy Wraiths, Banshees and Special Units.