What Maps Would You Like to See Removed From Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Brodellsky, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Now with Mythic out, there are plenty of maps to choose from in Halo 3. Bungie has suggested that upon the release of Mythic, they would begin to take maps out of matchmaking. With a limit of three, which maps would you like to see taken out of Matchmaking? Try and provide your reasoning as well.

    Oh yeah, and Foundry variants do not count.

    As for my three maps I'd like to see removed....
    1. Snowbound. I've hated this map for a long time, and I simply can't stand it any longer. I despise this one.
    2. Default Foundry. Nothing is very smooth at all, the overall design is fail, and there is a ton of jumping. And of course, it n33ds m0ar int3rl0ccks.
    3. Isolation. This has been a fan-least-favorite for quite a long time, and I'm one of them. I think the map is bad, it its annoying to play on.

    Go Ninja Go Ninja Go.
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    1. In dub dubz, me and Sir nsane54 the nub played on the Sandbox varient "Vessel."
    Twas terrible, basically, just stay on top, nade, spawn kill. If you control top, you control Shotty, Rockets and OS.

    2. Cubed, I've heard (haven't played) that this is the most terrible map ever implemented into matchmaking. 3 types of nade on top, shotty, 2 maulers, gravhammer, all on 30 seconds. And some shield doors.
  3. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Boundless is lame it was a bad idea to take out the ghost.
    Smashed is also horrible doesn't flow at all and there are huge gaps in it.
    Also Grifball needs to go bye bye as well for just being plain horrible
    The entire infection playlists need to be redone as well.
    It goes on and on.
  4. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    I want Snowbound, Isolation, and Last Resort gone. Snowbound is always failbound, Isolation is Spawn-kill Nation, and Last Resort is an offense to the awesomeness of Zanzibar.
  5. Metzelda

    Metzelda Ancient
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    1. Isolation because it's boring to play on
    2. Narrows because it's horrible on CTF and bomb gametypes and on slayer I get spawn killed
    3. Construct because the yellow lift always has someone at the top with a sword and with slayer gametypes you can't find your enemy until they find you.
  6. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    1) Narrows, outside of the intended competitive atmosphere of MLG it really just sucks. Mancannons straight into each other's bases, small, etc...
    2) Boundless. I don't mind Snowbound, but removing the Ghost? That puts ALL the fighting down in the cave. Not fun.
    3) Construct. Elevator camp-fest.
  7. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    1) Snowbound (boundless) - underground camp fest
    2) Isolation - spawncamp fest
    3) Cubed - I just want to mention that I thought it funny how Shishka gave Cosmic Rick a whole page of constructive criticism on Utah Mambo, but they let cubed in. What a sad excuse for a map.
  8. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    1. Epitaph-Can't believe no one has mentioned this. Epilouge is a little bit better, but the only gametype I would be able to take with them would be KotH, and I don't even think that exists in matchmaking.
    2. Smashed-Just plain bad, dumbest map ever

    thats really it for me, I actually like default foundry (how it plays) and theirs a time and place for all the other maps, even if I don't like them at times.
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Valhalla needs to be taken out of Living Dead:



    Camping FTL
  10. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Isolation - should be out of matchmaking permanently, that piece of crap map sucks.

    Construct - camping, being on the top means being in control, you know the drill.

    Foundry - I just really hate all the variants, for some reason. They really throw me off and I keep thinking they are all the same because of the colors and feel of the map.

    Snowbound/Boundless should stay, I just think Bungie should have just taken out the shield doors and not the laser, and ghost. I got a perfection on Boundless, and most of my kills were on the top, and I was scared to go to the bottom because the whole other team got scared and started camping there. Few grenades fixed that problem.
  11. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Isolation- Is it just me or does that hole/door from shotty look like an asshole with weird pustule things around it? Disgusting map, horrible gameplay.
    Epitaph- Layout just sucks, too predictable.
    Snowbound- Spawn kill FTL.
    Avalanche= Frozen gayness.

    Any variations of these= Epic Failure.
  12. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    What's with the hate on construct? Maybe I would suggest a game of MLG king on the map if you don't like the lift camping, it is on of my favorite games to play.

    Xanon is vessel the one in the skybox? If so there is a HLG spot on it that you could fit a team of 8 in and you would never be found.
    #12 Goatnuts, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  13. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Epitaph and all variants-I just hate the overall layout of the map and the dull and boring "forerunner" feel to it.

    Isolation-Ghost and the hill across the map so you get blindly shot at.

    I cant think of a 3rd but id really like to see Last Resort back its one of my faves
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Definitely Smashed. Smashed is the worst map I have ever played on in matchmaking. The gameplay had no flow to it whatsoever. The map is way to crowded and was basically, in my opinion, made for noobs. There are noob weapons placed throughout the map and the maulers were terribly placed throughout the map. People can camp and wait for oncommers to sneak out and blast them with it.
  15. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    1. I really think all snowbound and the pit variants need to go. Both these maps are to overpowered when people have the power weapons, and that stupid sword room on the pit pisses the heck out of me. Snowbound, don't even get me started!
  16. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    They added little slits near the ceiling so you can toss grenades and power drains in. Or that was there ever since. Whatever. You can always get the overshield and plasmas and go rambo in there too.

    Boundless should go. I hate Boundless. Snowbound should stay.
  17. Pluvialis Aquila

    Senior Member

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    Last Resort: It's my least favorite map. I didn't really like Zanzibar, and this is an even worse version. Gameplay is bad. Flow is bad. Vehicles are ever present and ever useless. The only cool thing is the huge wheel, because it at least shows that not every map has to be so boring aesthetically.

    Isolation: Bungie decided to make an underground part on a circular map and thought it was creative enough to stop. (Snowbound has a similar problem but is at least still cool. It just needs to be upgraded.) The rockets and ghost do a good job of ruining the gameplay. It's also the most hideous map in the Halo series.

    High Ground: I never liked it. For some reason, everyone and their brother does. It's another ugly brown map with a bad layout and seems to encourage camping with power weapons. The ghosts usually ruin things as well.

    Non-default Foundry: I dislike every Foundry variant I have come across (but have never played the MLG ones). I think default Foundry is pretty good, but the rockets is the most annoying part of the map. Basically, I just hate rockets on small maps.
    #17 Pluvialis Aquila, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009

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