Sandbox CrashHogs

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Bloodthirst1011, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Bloodthirst1011

    Bloodthirst1011 Ancient
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    My latest map is entitled CrashHogs, and is essentially monster trucks. There are 6 hogs total in this map. 4 spawn on each corner, while 2 spawn back to back in the center.
    I always thought that a giant flat area is just to boring to play on, so i thought id make one with some extras.
    It starts off perfectly normal, really open, with jumps if you want to take them.
    After about a minute and a half it then continues to get a bit more interesting. Corners cant be made as tightly, and jumps have to be a little more perfected. If not, a quick bounce to destruction will quickly correct your error :)

    thirty or so seconds later, keep an eye on the corners. Turn to wide, or get pushed into a corner, and youll be getting a quick birds eye view of the map, followed by a sudden death.
    And after another thirty seconds, if the map already hasnt killed you, killballs spawn in the direct center of the map, eliminating the middle route, and making jumps a tad more interesting.
    Now combine all this with 5 other players ramming you into these obstacles, and you have an evil death contraption with a fun twist.
    Yes i know other maps like this have been made before, i thought id just throw mine in. And YES its supposed to be tight and tricky to make the turns at the end, thats the point.
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    #1 Bloodthirst1011, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  2. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Looks like an average monster trucks map, I know you wanted to "throw yours in" but we already have so many of these and if you really want to make it worth our while I would interlock the boxes. If you do decide to make a 2nd version and interlock it then I would also make it bigger, If you still wanna make it have that tight feel than you can just add more ramps in the middle. I give it a 2/5 just for the unoriginality and the non-interlocking, however if you do interlock and make it a little bit more original I would give it a 4/5 and maybe a 5/5 depending on the things you add because I personally love these maps with a good group of friends.
  3. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    i think it looks like a lot of fun! a nice twist to the original bumper cars game. though it could use merging and that stuff, maybe just a bit bigger, like one more blocks-width, and i think it would be better. if you are planning a version 2, id suggest adding those in.
    and how many vehicles are there? where do they spawn?
    anyways, ill give yeah a 4/5. love it! youve got a dl from me!
  4. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    OMG I swear y'all two above me seriously he doesn't need to interlock his freakin map. It's frustrating to see posts like that. I do agree to make it bigger and add something that will make us go wow. Sorry but no download already got a few of these and better on my harddrive. These are just all similar in too many ways.
  5. Gremlins

    Gremlins Ancient
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    Everything about your map seems just fine, except the fact that it might be a little too small (i think it should be just a bit bigger, but idk). Other than that, i think it's just like an average Monster Trucks map; fun and looks like it can be replayed many times and wont get too boring.

    I made a monster truck map a couple months ago and probably plays almost the same as yours. Monster trucks are always a fun thing to do on Halo3 :)

    Nice work on the map and i give you a 4/5.
    If you could, could you check out my monster truck map that's in my signature? :)

    IVIAJIK Ancient
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    the map looks like it has potential but if you moved the jumps to the outside edges they would definately get used much more because once all that stuff spawns they will be seldom used and that is definately one of the high points of your map
  7. lightcanrule123

    lightcanrule123 Ancient
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    this is alright but if you want some good inspiration for a map go to community files on andcheck out hogtagon, best monster trucks map ive seen id give this a 3.5/5.0

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