Sandbox Blockout

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Vincent Torre, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    i would rather play on this map because it create a different fell to it just because of the material of sandbox have different textures than blackout

    Question; Why did you make a remake even thought there is a blackout already i was just wondering what u were thinking
    #41 MASTER016, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I don't like blackout, I think when trying to bring it to the halo engine they did a poor job of maintaining what made lockout so fun. I wanted to see if I could do a better job and I feel like I did.

    Blockout just broke 1000 downloads in 3 days, thanks everyone for their support! I hope you're enjoying it.
  3. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    Damn I gotta try this one out. Looks pretty damn accurate and ramps >>> stairs. Plus this also has that lockout feel to it unlike Blackout which just doesn't feel right.

    Great job on the remake. I don't think anyone will be able to top this version unless they want to make a remake of a remake. =P
  4. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    Ok I just got done with this map and it's quite possibly the best forge remake I've ever seen. The accuracy of this Lockout remake is quite astonishing and it feels like playing H2 Lockout only in a desert setting. From the weapon set to the spawns to even the jumps and hiding places, this remake just kicks ass. Blackout can go to hell after I've seen this beauty because it never delivered that Lockout magic like this one does. Huge kudos to you.

    For those who plan on forging an epic map or make an attempt at a remake, take a few notes from this guy (hell I might even take some myself).

    You sir get a 10/10.
  5. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    I played this last night. It is by far the best remake i've ever played. It just feels right. I like this better than blackout actually. Great work 5/5
  6. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I hope you've all played a a game of one flag on it, cause you really should :)

    Edit: just noticed this post
    I'll look into some ways of making open-ramp to BR3 possible but I can't make many promises that I'll get that one to work, I hope I can but it might be too complex.

    From library window I can get all of them but 3 going from the window to br2/mid ramp, I come close and it would probably be possible on MLG settings but standard speed is slightly too low. Edit2: Yes on MLG settings the jump is possible, albeit incredibly difficult

    The bumpiness will be worked on in future version, but as skilled forgers know getting a smooth floor requires a ton of work so it just takes time to get it perfect. I've heard the S3/BR3 height complaint before and I went back and took a closer look. S3 is roughly 1 wall width too high compared to how high it is in halo 2, this is due to the increase in jump height as I had to prevent people from jumping from top mid to S3 like you can in blackout. Someone claimed that S3 is heigher than BR3 which is not correct, the line of sight is almost identical but slightly raised.
    #46 Vincent Torre, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  7. MasterChief2829

    MasterChief2829 Ancient
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    You could've used corner walls to make the opening of top blue the same as Lockout. Anyways, looks great. Wish I had gold to test it out... :S Right now I have more important things to spend $ on than XBL, but I'm looking forward to playing this.
  8. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Really really good, I down loaded it earlier and ran through it.. I'm extreamly impressed with the amount of detail. My question is when it had that crazy flicker was it because you went to the item max, or is there ways to get more than the item max,, I made a map in the crypt and didn't have that flicker I just wanted to see if there was a limit or if there is some way to get just a few more items after money glitching and hitting the max.. I guess I feel like some maps that are maxed out seem to have more objects.. Anyway great job, especially the lift,, I think a cannon man would have shot you up to fast to make an accurate comparison. Dont do this much but..5/5
  9. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    The flicker happens because I'm so high on the item limit, this map also has some FPS issues with guests. The map uses almost all of the original objects (except the 4 large corners on the base level that I couldn't find use of), this way I can maximize the item limit.

    Initially the lift was man cannons because they looked better, but I couldn't get it to be reliable enough so I switched to using grav lifts. Another draw of man cannons was you could hear them from anywhere so it was easy to sit on BR 3 and cover lift with a sniper since you could hear it.

    DUDERMAN Ancient
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    Great remake. One suggestion I would have, if possible, is to maybe put some receiver nodes in the shotgun room to give it that "Green Room" effect.
  11. Tectonix

    Tectonix Ancient
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    i love remakes and this has to be the god of all remakes, I think that u should make a map like ascension because Lockout was already remade

    Senior Member

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    After playing this map I was amazed, in a 1 v 1 I was anyways. One MAJOR issue though. In a party of 6 this map became unplayable. We were all experiencing frame rate issues all around the map and after 5 kills we had to end the game because we all got fed up. It was good while it lasted but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

    If you had managed this without the infinite money glitch then it really would be the best map ever. Im so sorry.
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I'm sorry to hear that. During my testing we had 8 people playing and it still performed fine. The only people who had issues were people with guests.

    You could try deleting some of the unnecessary pieces and see if that helps your frame rate issues.
  14. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I figured out this will be really easy to include, there's a small corner of the door that sticks out which isn't overlapped by the barrier. shifting those pieces a little makes it a reasonably easy jump to do, still challenging enough you'd have to master it, but easy enough to do on demand.

    on an unrelated note, thanks for the downloads guys :)
    #54 Vincent Torre, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009

    IVIAJIK Ancient
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    damn i must say that this is the best remake of any map i have seen. it shows that you spent alot of time on it and im sure this will be in the top 3 for the contest. great work
  16. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    I noticed an inaccuracy in the distance of bottom of open ramp and the corner of open lift closest to it.

    Namely, in lockout, you can jump from the farthest left corner of open lift platform, and land on the bottom of open ramp. On Blockout, this isn't possible. Maybe include it, if its feasable?

    Still a 5-star map, no doubt.
  17. 2uix

    2uix Ancient
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    i thought you might want to know that your map has been altered and posted under a different name on

    the guy who posted it has been banned for a week, but still... pretty lame
  18. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Well that's pretty weak, thanks for bringing that to my attention
  19. 2uix

    2uix Ancient
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    the good news is the video of your map (plagiarized) hit the top 10 user videos of the week within less than a day of being up
  20. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Lets just hope they give me credit. I can't figure out how to capture a video response :(

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