I edited this with Adobe Premiere 6.0, and my computer only has 1 Gig of Ram so it was really hard to have everything export properly, and the quality isn't what I'd like it to be. I guess the gameplay is pretty good and all the clips are synced with the music. We will have another tage coming out near the end of the summer, and we're hoping someone who's a lot better than me at editing wants to edit for us. Enjoy. If you know anyone who might be interested in editing our next tage PLEASE somehow get me in contact with them. Our gameplay will be even better for our next tage, so we are hoping we can get someone who really knows what they're doing to edit it.
I saw when you posted this over at H3F. Great gameplay, Novak. Unfortunately I don't have any contacts with great skill in montage-making. I just felt like commenting
That's really cool... but it's almost too good. Plus with those little jumps in between kills... idk kinda looked fake to me... but if it wasn't then it was amazing!!! but kinda too long... and I didn't really see anything besides snipes, br, and assault rifle kills. I guess it's just not my style in some ways. Really cool editing though. I'm really tired btw that's why i'm writing in mixed sentences. overall: 4/5
First, what the point of doing that. Secondly, its called snycing with the music, and it cuts down on tage time.
Yea... and faking most of those would have taken more time than just playing and actually getting them, haha. Thanks for all the comments though.
You'd fake it to get subscriptions (at least on youtube), so that you'd get tons of views for your actual videos.
Props Novak, props. You've got some good stuff going on here. I'd be happy to check out your clips for your next tage, The smallest thing I could do is make a great intro, similar to the ones Phurion makes. I own Final Cut Pro, which is a pretty nice editing software. ~After looking through it again, I have one suggestion: watch your clip flow. Some of your clips are a little intertwined and tend to be a little confusing. Also, when you're skipping from one kill to another in the same clip, give a fraction of a second more after each kill. My brain can't register them all that fast! Overall, great gameplay, and I have to say, you have some solid no-scoping.
Very good stuff man. Amazing kills. I wasn't really fond of the editting, it was.. too chopppy... I don't know how else to describe it... but. yeah.. great montage.