Pretty simple concept actually. Scare the genral public into believing that there will be a huge epidemic. Then they provide vaccines that the public buy to protect them from this epidemic. They want us to buy. Same thing wth the Avian bird flu.
It also cost a great deal of money to make it. Besides. WHO is declaring this as a serious Epidemic, not the U.S or a single country...
No it isn't a serious epidemic, obviously. Seing as moe than 35,000 people die each year in he U.S. due to the Flu. Not counting the H1M1 virus. And many are considering this going to be a serious epidemic just take a look at the news sometime kiddo.
I have, the Spanish Flu started off like the H1N1 Virus and it ended up killing 50 million people, it is better to put an end to it and make it seem major so the population can take it seriously.
You love to talk about the Spanish flu, don't you? The cause of death for those with the Spanish Flu wasn't the flu itself.
Flu shot wont save you from this flu. But sense it is carried in birds that fly long distances it may become a big pandemic if we cant control it
Hehe, I think you're on to something there. =P All classrooms in my school were provided with Purell hand sanitizer as to help prevent the spread of the Swine Flu. My conspiracy theory is that perhaps the media is blowing this out of proportion in order to drastically increase the sales in hand sanitizer!! It all makes perfect sense! xD But in all serious, the media is in fact blowing this way out of proportion. If you get the Swine Flu, you're not going to die (unless you happen to live in a third world country with terrible sanitation ¬_¬).
There are more cases of the disease every day. It is spreading up california like a freaking fire. They are closing schools in every county that gets an infection. I would consider that kind of serious. There is more stuff going on here than just the media blowing it out of proportion. Health experts said, and I quote "We are prepared for deaths in America, from this virus." That doesn't sound like something that is just blown out of proportion. Im washing my hands more often that's all i can say. -Donuts
Quit calling it swine flu or pig flu, you sound like idiots. The name of the virus is N1H1, if you call it swine flu it means you approve the slaughtering 300,000 pigs, for no reason. I'm not some PETA ***, but to go ahead and waste that much pork is silly.
Eh, eating and killing or killing for killing animals is barbaric. I hate humanity. I thought it originated in Mexico, by the way.
I completely understand and agree with what you are saying, but you have to understand that so many people misunderstand what this flu really is, and therefore overreact. And don't get me wrong, I think the swine flu is a terrible thing, and I think it's great that schools are doing what they can to prevent an outbreak (being a germa-phobe myself). The swine flu is in fact highly contagious, and I would hate getting any sort of flu. Yet, as I said before, this isn't some type of extremely lethal flu where we are all going to turn into zombies and go all Left 4 Dead style on whoever's left.
The media is blowing swine flu out of proportion! BASIC MATH Swine Flu cases worldwide = 257 World Population = 6.7 Billion 257 / 6,700,000,000 = 0.000000038% of World Population You have a better chance of GETTING STRUCK BY LIGHTING, WINNING THE LOTTERY , or GETTING AIDS than you do of catching Swine Flu. If it bleeds, it leads, which is why the media is all over this pitiful story.
Dude, it's H1N1... ironic dontcha think? Also it didn't originate in Mexico, that's just where it "spreaded like wildfire" and infected tons more people than what could've been planned. Seriously tho, why is this thread still alive? There's already another one that's usually physically close to this one, that is on the same topic.
You're completely right. I love you, entirely. People are blowing this WAY outta proportion. Its just the ****ing flu! No difference, has the same effects. It just spreads a lil faster. And it's pretty much contained.
LAWL Im not saying we are all going to die from it! I am just saying to everyone who says that it's just the media blowing it out of proportion that they are incorrect. It is a big deal. You need to be careful. They don't raise the pandemic level (or whatever that is called) for no reason. Sure it's a small number, but that number is raising every day. I don't see it getting smaller. Unless there is a really big problem you shouldn't be going outside with a mask and gloves on, but this doesn't mean you should be wrestling with pigs either. So be in the middle. Don't ignore it, but don't freak out either. That's all I have to say. -Donuts
While I agree that media is blowing it out of proportion the problem is that it is extremely contagious and we don't know how deadly it will become. If everybody has it and it turns out to kill after say a month than an epidemic will follow. Its just the fact that its spreading fast and hasn't killed anybody "yet".
Wash your hands, stay away from the sick. If you suffer from the symptoms of N1H1, go the the doctor. If you think you suffer from the symptoms of N1H1, don't go to the doctor. The reason you won't want to go to the doctor then, is because you most likely don't have N1H1, and when sitting in the waiting room with a bunch of other sick people, you will most likely catch N1H1. This isn't a serious issue, and the only reason that it's killing a bunch of people in Mexico is because of their bad hygiene. Instead of having clean water in stores, they have trucks bring it to them. Recently those trucks haven't been coming around. If you ask me, I think N1H1 is all a Government conspiracy, and we're all gonna turn into zombies! Good thing I always carry my trusty shotgun around with me!
I don't think anyone realizes yet that swine flu is the same as normal flu, only you also get nosebleeds. my dad is a surgeon and he said that anyone can survive from it as long as you treat it like a normal flu (so get some sleep, drink a lot of liquids, etc. etc.). The reason people died in mexico is because they weren't as exposed to the flu to begin with and their hygeine leaves a lot to be desired in densely populated areas (like mexico city)
This sucks. I've been wearing surgical masks as a postmodern fashion statement for months. But now everybody's going to be doing it. They won't even appreciate the irony behind it >:[ Look at this link. There was a provision for 900 million to the CDC for pandemic preparation in the stimulus bill, but it got bumped down to 50 million thanks to fiscally minded conservatives. What's hilarious is that the person who spearheaded the cut is still bragging about on her website. "Gotdurn liebral socialists, trying to take care of people just so you'll have more voters in your pocket for 2012!"