What is your favorite itouch/iphone app? Mine has to be pocket god. I just live those little monkey villigers! The coconut is hilarious, also.
iShoot, the full version. It's pretty fun to play when you're board, or in the middle of P.E. when sitting on the bleachers with your friends.
I would have to say touchgrind. That game is really addicting. But I cannot seem to get the new board that came wiht the update. Also jellycar, linerider, zombieville USA, and cuberunner are frikin awesome.
A subject I've touched on a lot recently, If you want to find out the latest apps and a review, then check out TheIpodKid, or Appvee. Both update on a usual basses ad show some great apps. The most efficient app has to be Appsniper. Sadly its not a sniper game, its an app that lets you keep track of any app and "snipe" the price, this allows you to get an app when its on sale or free. Because some apps are only on sale for a limited time, this become extremely helpful. I'm going to list my ipod touch apps, in no order.(not including defaults) iM TouchGrind Belowscape Rolando Google earth Cooliris Myspace Enigmo Flixter Appvee Last.FM Line rider Light bike Field Runners Trace Tap Tap Tap Tap 2 DigLight Dictionnaire Labyrinth 3d iTranslate Tetris To Do's Pocket guitar Rugby Club iDracular Facebook Appsniper Skype As you can see, I have a lot of apps. Some better then others. I would insist checking them all out. I might get pocketGod, Its an interesting concept but I'm waiting on a good review thats honest, its seems lately that either they have nothing wrong with it or they it completely. If anyone makes a review, It would be much appreciated. -DRiSCOLL
Search the forums! This has already been posted ... but nywayz, I was also wondring, cuz i just got an iphone too...
Fieldrunners Zombieville USA GeoDefense Touchgrind Spore FlightCOntrol Supercross Payback Zenbound Those are the ones on my front page. Good to see another Zombieville USA lover.
Hello, Just like Driscoll I got ALOT of apps. But at the moment, I'm addicted to 'EpicPetWars' - It's a bit like that 'My Brute' phenomenon. ~Cannon
ROMs: pokemon emerald, advanced wars 1 & 2, kirby: nightmare in dreamland Super Mario Brothers The legend of Zelda, link to the past and four swords Doom 2 Super Mario World Legend of Zelda App Games: iShoot Trace Hero of Sparta Wolfenstien 3d SimCity Flick Fishing TTR 2 Fieldrunners Zombieville USA Attack from the Dead Monkey Ball Linerider iRide yeah, i know i have a lot. but i love everyone of them. EDIT: Also Doodle Jump