Map: The Grill Gametype: Burgers Do you like BBQ? I know I do. Do you like grilling spartans? I know I do too. A giant grill has been put into foundry for your hunger needs. Zombies spawn below the grill with one flamethrower and a whole bunch of fire grenades on the ground. The Humans are on top of the grill. The Zombies are supposed to be charcoal, making the flames rise from beneath the grill, and Humans are supposed to be pink patties, that is until the Last man Standing is a nice crispy brown burger. Last man Standing has more health but health doesn't recharge for any human. Zombies are invincible so don't even try to shoot them. Hope you cook up some juicy burgers! P.S. I made this map long before I knew how to interlock, the stuff that is interlocked was recently added, and I am not planning on making a V2. The Grill The Patties The Charcoal The Fire The Burning Patties The Burnt Patty The new piece of Charcoal The Burger
Wow Good job, I agree with the first guy on the walls, but it's just for aesthetics. 5/5 You have my download. I couldn't have thought of it myself. This is going to be fun to show my friends! -Bruce [Prosper's Son]
This is a great idea and is very original. This map could have been executed better though. It seems like a lot of fun. If you remake this into a circle, it would be much better. Also, the idea of making the zombies charcoal is genius. I never would have thought of it if I would have made this. Good job.
Idea's been done before, but this looks clean, and the format it's in is new. I would have madee a roof, so it doesn't make you look lazy, but overall, clean and nice. Good job. OH, and SniperKing, he already said he wasn't making V2.
This is one of those creative minigames like Bull Dome, Monster Trucks, Duck Hunt. It has a simple layout, but playing is intense. Thanks for another awesome minigame. Everything is almost perfectly merged too! Wow.
You guys must not have uses ForgeHub for too long. This idea has been done before. I believe it was called like.. Browser (from Mario) or something. The humans would spawn in the exact same situation and zombies would spam firebombs + a flamethrower to burn them. It's a great idea and it's cool that you came up with it on your own but it has been done already.
Very cool. The map is very clean and well made.I have seen other maps like this and this is the largest one. I haven't played with enough people but I bet this would be fun with lots of people. Bravo sir
Very good idea with the flamethrower and the fire nades. I am DLing now, and will rate later. But as for now, 5/5.
HAHA that's probably the best map idea i've ever seen. Its so original and very well put together, i actually have no constructive criticism to give because it's so well made 5 stars way to go - Tyberious
Almost EXACTLY like popcorn.... i think maybe you might have even stole the map.... added flamethrower, and called it your own
yeah you may have thought it up but its a commonly used idea. i made a similar map myself a while back. its not original but still fun.
I too remember seeing something like this a long time ago. Its not original and its not new. And it really, REALLY, looks like a copy of the other one. In fact, I thought it was a repost of that first map.