Sandbox FFA Reaction, Purgatory, and Urban Conflict.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bourbon, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    Hey, long time lurker making his first post. I would like to see what you think of my Sandbox maps. My Foundry maps never seem to work out, I always hit the budget limit before my idea is complete. So without further ado, I present


    My latest foray into hectic Slayer maps, Reaction is an eight sided ring wrapped around a critical reactor, with plenty of tunnels and such to keep things interesting.

    One feature I like about this map is that every player starts with the same equipment and an equal distance from all powerups. No more bitching about an unlucky starting location! Also, there are teleporters in each room that take you to another random room, which could help if your being chased... or you could just end up walking into another player and get killed anyways.

    I didn't set up Flag, Bomb, KOTH, Oddball or anything, so don't even try those out.

    Weapons, Main Floor
    -Spiker x8
    -Plasma Pistol x8
    -Carbine x4
    -Battle Rifle x4
    -Beam Rifle x2 (90 s)
    -Plasma Grenade x4
    -Frag Grenade x4
    -SMG x2
    -Pistol x2

    Weapons, Bottom Floor
    -Needler x2 (45 s)
    -SMG x2
    -Plasma Rifle x2
    -Mauler x2 (60 s, 1 clip)

    Weapons, Bottom Middle
    -Shotgun (60 s, 1 clip)






    Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Urban Conflict

    The goal with this map was to make an attack or defense game. Some players start in smaller buildings and make their way to a large base, which the other team tries to defend. It's a lot of fun to play, and has pretty good lines of sight. The buildings provide intense close quarter combat for those who like that kind of thing.

    It works with One Bomb, One Flag, and Territories. Two Flag CTF and Two Bomb don't work.

    It started out looking like a city, but now it's more like a playground or paintball arena than anything else.

    -Sniper x2 (60 s, 1 clip)
    -Carbines x8
    -Battle Rifle x8
    -SMGS (?)
    -Spikers (?)
    -Maulers x2 (60 s, 1 clip)
    -Shotguns x2 (60 s)
    -Frag Grenades (?)
    -Plasma Grenades (?)
    -Regenerator x1
    -Bubble Shield x2
    -Rockets x1 (90 s)








    [​IMG] : Halo 3 File Details


    The goal of this map was to make a CTF game that felt like an epic adventure, not just running between two bases on opposite sides of a field. Those kind of CTF games are boring as hell.

    You have two bases facing eachother in the sky, but there is no way to cross. They are just far enough apart that a scoped-in BR will have a red targetting reticule. Your flag is in the center of this base.

    Off to the side is a teleporter which takes you to another set of bases underground, and a serpentine path between them. I set up the walls so you can only fire upon the enemy when you're at your base, this emphasizes teamwork heavily, as you cannot afford to send your whole group off to grab the flag. Once you get to the enemy base, grab their flag and go all the way back again!

    I could go into HUGE detail explaining this but this is like the third time posting, for some reason I keep getting logged out and having to retype this.


    Sky Bubble:
    -Carbines x 4
    -Battle Rifles x4
    -Beam Rifles x2
    -Needlers x2
    -Rockets (60 s, 0 clip)
    -Plasma Grenades x4
    -Frag Grenades x4


    -Carbines x8
    -Battle Rifles x4
    -Sniper Rifles x2 (90 s)
    -Shotguns x2 (60 s)
    -SMGS x4
    -Plasma Rifles x4
    -Spikers x4
    -Brute Shot x2
    -Regenerators x2







    And of course, the map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Please rate and critique my spawns and weapon placements, and of course anything I could change to enhance combat!
    #1 Bourbon, Apr 30, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  2. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    I'm liking the look of the third one, the usage of tubes in the second one, and how well you make the first one sound to play. All around great maps from the looks of things.
  3. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    The first map looked awfully crazy. But I suppose its FFA and that good for it. Map 2 seems kinda strange in a good way but need more pics for determination. The final map is cool because its two levels. But also need more pics.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Wow first map is a wicked awesome variant of foundation in a sense, it also reminds me of a Foundry map with a similar layout. The Urban one is hard to tell from the pic but i bet its fun, lots of cover to fight around. I like how the blue base on the last map is based in sky bubble, that should keep the game interesting, only thing is that tele camping should be pretty easy.
  5. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Your maps realy should all be in their own thread in my opinion. I was neglagent to even open the thread due to the fact I thought it would be a bunch of quickly thrown together maps, but man was I suprised they all look great. I give you some credit for teaching me to never judge a book by it's cover. All maps are smooth well planned and very astheticly pleasing. Looks like great gameplay you have my DL.
  6. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    To start this off, im am glad to day Welcome to ForgeHub, hope you have fun. like alot of people are saying, I really like Reaction, because one i love FFA and symmetrical maps. For map #2, sadely it kinda seems random, might be a good for gameplay, but thats what i think, and it seems that you like the tubing items lol and finally for #3 it be nice to put at least one or two pictures for the skybubble map, instead of just one. I do like the idea of seperating the bases. All i have to say is good job with all of the maps, it be cool to add a little more pictures for the maps, it wouldnt hurt. good job.
  7. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I added a whole bunch of pictures of Urban Conflict, and one of each of the other two. Thanks for the positive feedback so far, anyone noticed weapon spawn times too low, or any other issues?

    Fun Fact: I was going to call Urban Conflict "There Goes The Neighborhood" but ran out of space :(

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