Coliseum (An Authentic and Realistic Coliseum on sandbox) Before you leave this thread without checking it out, thanks to my wall of text, look at the pictures, i guarantee it'll be worth the 30 seconds of your life, and who knows? maybe it might get you to read up on it :] The first thing that hit him, when the large steel gates in front of him rose upward, was the sound. The circular area was packed with what looked like every citizen of the city, and many merchants and traders just arrived in town. When he stepped out of the shadows and into the bright sunlight of the afternoon the wave of noise hit him like a hammer. Every one of the 10,000 that lined the stands was on their feet, stamping, shouting, some just making unrecognizable noises, all the sounds mashed together into a wall of white noise. That all changed when he emerged from the short tunnel and entered the area. On the opposite side another gate, identical to his had risen, and from the dark depths his opponent stepped out. They glanced at one another and their eyes met. Cold and calculating they studied each other, looking for fear, doubt, and cruelty, neither of them had mercy. In that second they locked eyes, the sound changed. From noise it became quiet, then slowly a chant emerged. "Spar-tan" "Spar-tan" "Spar-tan" on and on the crowd chanted, the one word quickly taken up by everyone, the one name of the favorite, the name of a hero, a gladiator, a Spartan...your name... Hey there, this is my map Coliseum, it has 201 downloads so far : ] Its based on the old Roman Coliseum's, that back then were used for holding chariot races, competitions of the bow, speed, fist fighting, and it was the home of the Gladiators. I watched the movie Gladiator last week, great movie, and decided that with the new resources sandbox provides, i should take a crack at building something like that. So I did, and it wasn't easy, getting it circular and interlocking the stands was hard, but I did it and here it is. Now I'll tell you a bit about the map. This map is much more of a fun, maybe 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 battle with your friends kind of thing, since it involves a bit of honor and being fair. It also though can be good for competitive 1 vs 1 clan/group type things, since the map is very open it requires skill, no using the map to your advantage except for maybe jumping behind a column to avoid gunfire, but for the most part its just you and your guns. The map has 2 spawn zones, one underground and one in the sky bubble, at both are a small selection of weapons and equipment. Both are neutral spawns, although they can of course just be easily changed for team slayer. This is a slayer only map, its too small for anything else. Anyway now here's a run down of whats on it. Each spawn zone has the following: 1 sword 1 shotgun 1 sniper 1 bean rifle 1 BR 1 carbine 2 SMG'S 1 plasma rifle 1 plasma pistol 1 mauler 1 needler 1 bruteshot 1 bubble shield 1 power drain 1 re generator 1 flare Anyway now here's some pic's: Overview Blue Stands Anyway there you go, that's my map, I hope you enjoy it and also, to get into the stands for if there's spectators, just forge the map quickly and put in a few grav lifts, its pretty easy : ] Oh and here's the link to the map on Bungie: : Halo 3 File Details Well there you are. Fight like Champions, live like heroes, die like Gladiators. Have fun.
the screenshots arnt working, i would used photbucket or make them work and then i will reply again. but it sounds kool
alright well theres one pic, my other ones got erased trying to put them up, i'll have to get them back tomarrow, sorry.
Please, if you make a colosseum, spell it right! There are too many like that out there. And since this one actually looks decent compared to the others, that gives more reason to. Also, if all the weapons are in one area or really close together, I recommend cleaning it out. Gameplay is annoying when it's hard to choose what you want.
I love the look of the map and it reminds a lot of the Arena in Oblivion. Looks like it would be a nice add on to another map. 5/5
amazing map, just one tiny little thing: i think that this map would be a little better if it were in the sky-bubble. but thats just me. DL for me 4.5/5
Well I've seen many Coliseum type maps before, but this seems to be the best I've seen so far. Forged beautifully, and I really like the idea of starting out either in the skybox or crypt to pick whatever weapon you want. You say "no using the map to your advantage" but I can see you could use those four pillars as cover.. not that that's bad I like them but just correcting you.
Thanks and i know, i pretty much agree, i probally would have done it too IF i had the money and item limit to do it, as it is i was just barely below the item limit with this, if i had to add in a floor then i'd be screwed. but thanks for the feedback and thanks to everyone whose posted so far, good or bad.
Thanks a lot, and i might put it there, but that could be considered double posting, so for now i wont risk it. anyway thanks again.
I actually was gonna build the Roman Colosseum, but it's on my to-do list. Too many other large projects I'm thinking of. Looks like you did a decent job of building a colosseum. Not sure how it plays, but looks nice. Seems like you did a decent job of interlocking pieces, too.