hey forge hubbers. this is gonna be my first post and one of my best maps. Leave feedback! Short Circuit #1 This is my first racetrack and I just wanted to know if it was good or not. If its bad tell me what I could improve on.p.s i suck in forge Now on to the pics. just the main view. the part with holes in it. im not telling which way you should go. the curve jump over a kill ball almost there finish! when you playing this remember its not a full blown track yet just a test to see if i was good or not. to download click on the title at the top and while you at it download this too. Click Here
Nice First Post! I Love Racetracks, But The Fork In The Tunnels System, May Be Exciting And Fun The First Time But Not The Second Or Third Time Around. I Suggest That You Consider Making A V2 That Connects The Whole Racetrack So You Can Do It Again And Again, 3.5/5. Nice Job Oh And A Circuit Usually Means Something That Has A Track Thats Connected With Two Or More Laps.....
not too great, i dont think the begginning part with the wood bridges is a good idea for a race, more of an obstacle course really, and it is quite short. I do like the finishing line in the last picture however. quite nice.
Cool I actually quite like it. It many not have fancy curves and banks, but its different! Actually original unlike all the other sandbox racetracks ive seen lately. Good job! 4/5