Map Title: Psychophobia A slightly bigger "Fun Box." Download Map Description: I made this map out of complete and utter randomness (as said by it's name). I was just bored messing with Forge and made this arena-like structure on Foundry out of double boxes and walls and stairs and...stuff. Before you get to the arena though, you spawn at a line of man-cannons, which if used correctly fire you at the speed of sound to the next level. The man-cannon sequence at the beginning of the map, as seen by the Forge camera at spawn. You then take an extra flight of stairs up to what looks like a ticketing booth to the arena. It's just a bunch of open single boxes that you walk through to get out on to the main floor. The flight of stairs after the man-cannon series, and the ticketing booth. Once you get out on to the main arena floor, you fight. It can be slayer or team slayer or whatever you please. The map is roughly, more or less, twice the size of Fun Box as some of you may be familiar with on The Pit. The only kink I didn't work out of the map is that you can easily leave the arena for a few moments to get your shields back up by briefly hiding under one of the boxes. It's also kind of fun because you can kill people before you get to the arena, to see whoever gets there first (and who can camp out the good spots...if any). The fighting arena, where it all takes place. I don't have Bungie Pro (yet), so I'm conserving my File Share spaces and I didn't upload the best gametype to use with this. But it's quite a simple gametype. First, I recommend setting it to nothing below 100% gravity -- otherwise you can skip over the wall and outside of the designated area. Secondly, set it to two completely random weapons. It'll get boring just using the arena for AR/BR fights. Enjoy, and tell me what you think. I hope this post is up to standards this time =D Cheers, ~Doc
i dont know, the walls look a wee bit crooked, butt i try it out anyway we will see EDIT: i was right, it looks like you spent 30 minutes on this map. Why? next time spend more time and effort to make your map good as possible. look around the site 4 a while and you will find some of the best maps out there. it will help tremendously. take a look here: see how they arent even touching, it hard to get that last headshot on a guy with no shield when your falling in a ditch. make sure everything is smoothend out. samething as above once again, more people will download if the map looks like a map that bungie would release, not a map made by someone who didnt try. WHATS WITH ALL THE EMPTY SPACE?! -i know you tryed to do this, but dont for now on, either close off the rest of the map, or put stuff in it. dont use vehicles, i was just giving an example. also, Did you interlock??? i think not, perhaps this will help. go here and read all the strategies, and then practice them to make the best overall map. overall this map is a 4/10 for looks, just because of the empty space and sloppyness. i didnt get to test out the spawns but it seems as though there might be spawn camping. anywho, good job, hope this helped, and you will get better, dont worry. peace love gap.
Iverson: Thanks for the reply. To be completely honest, it was really a 30 minute map. It was just the first one I really made for a purpose. Most of the maps I made aren't very neatly put together. I dunno why-probably because I'm lazy. I thought interlocking objects was a cool feature but the tutorial confuses me greatly -- are there any video versions of the tutorial? Because I don't understand the "don't spawn this" then "spawn that" do another round and voila. Thanks, ~Doc
ok here is my version, you have to place the object you want to interlock When holding the object, press x you should get a screenvwith some options Go down to place at start Press a, and select the option: no Then let go of the object Then press start when you are the monitor and go down to : start new round click that It should start a new round you will notice that that object isnt there don't worry that Is normal What you now must do is place the other object you wish to interlock right beside the first object so that they are overlapping. After 30 seconds, the first object will spawn and the two objects will be merged together You can do the with double boxes and double walls fence walls walls Fence boxes and single boxes This technique is very very time consuming and hard at first But once you get the hang of it, it makes your maps twice as good I hope this wasn't as confusing and if it was, feel free to send me a friend request Iversonrocks03
Fro future reference with your pics, don't take the pics through the eyes of the monitior. Looks more professional without all the extra HUD marks.
everyone starts somewhere guys. Of course you weren't all ridiculous forgers right when you joined, but you learn with the people you choose to forge with and the amount of time you take on your maps. Next time, take your time. Don't do what you think is satisfactory, because it will reflect in the people's opinions about your maps. Overachieve, that's what I do...