Soo, Panda, you wouldn't call it out if you saw a guy shooting? Like "snipe 3" on guardian, "or tree to gold lift"? Wow, I hope I don't play with you.... OT- Can we get a mod lock? this is really just turning into a flamefest...
1. Answer- a 2. Answer- a 3. Answer- a 4. Answer- b 5. Answer- a 6. Answer- a 7. Answer- a. 8. Answer- c. Depends 9. Answer- neither 10. Answer- a 11. Answer- a 12. Answer- a 13. Answer- a 14. Answer- sometimes 15. Answer- a 16. Answer- Neither 17. Answer- a 18. Answer- a 19. Answer- a 20. Answer- a 21. Answer- a 22. Answer- Depends, even real pros crouch behind cover sometimes 23. Answer- a 24. Answer- a 25. Answer- a I had 19 a's and 1 b. I had five where I answered "neither, sometimes, both." So I had 19 a's out of 20 questions answered with a letter. I guess that sort of makes me a pro. Also, this was a very pathetic gauge of skill level. I'd actually consider some of the questions nooby to be honest. Like crouching in MLG. I definitely don't do it all the time, but even the pros crouch occassionally. Basically you're saying that by crouching like a pro you are a noob because you answered "b." Or the flag question; if the flag is about to reset, I would definitely suicide grab it so it restarts the counter instead of trying to kill the guy first. That, or maybe I'm trying to throw it out from behind cover so the other team can't recover it as easily. How is that "nooby?" Bad quiz is bad. EDIT: Read Caretaker's post on page two. He's completely right. This quiz is very biased and as I mentioned above, is a very poor gauge of how "skilled" a person is.
hey chill out. this quiz is just for fun, it doesnt necesarily mean that you are a noob acording to this quiz. i just made it when i was board. and by the way, when i asked if you play jhalo 3 the most and if you picked no. That would make you wa worse player at halo because you dont play it allot wich makes you bad which makes you a noob. And one more thing dont get pissed when this quiz rates you as a noob, because its probably right! this is for Caretaker and some of you other people who freak out about nothing.
this quiz is so flawed before i even looked at the answer key i knew all the "a" answers were correct.Are the answers and questions to your owns opinions and preferences? seriously you cant judge a players skill with a stupid quiz unless you play them yourslef
1) Learn how to spell and how to properly use the English language. 2) Don't call people noobs. I think that the people that call people noobs are the real noobs. 3) Don't get angry when someone doesn't like something you made. 4) Wow... just wow.
I'm just pissed at the quiz when I can't even answer any of the questions because to me the two answers you provided are wrong. And I know plenty of people who rarely play and are amazing.
1. Which of the the two weapons is your favorite? a.Battle Rifle b.Assault Answer-A 2.Can you four shot with a Battle Rifle? a.Yes b.No Answer-A 3.Are you higher than a 45 in any playlist? a.Yes b.No Answer-B 4.Do you use turrets such as mounted, Warthog, Exc.? a.No b.Yes Answer-B 5.Do you veto a map when it has BR's? a.No b.Yes Answer-A 6.Do you mostly go positive or Negative? a.Positive b.Negative Answer-A 7.Do you prefer Hardcore Playlists or others? a.Hardcore b.Others Answer-A 8.When you are playing a CTF game and the enemies Flag is in front of you, but theres also an enemy near "40 ft. away or less". Would you try to kill the enemy before picking up the flag or Just pick up the flag and try to get as far as you can with it? a.Kill the enemy first b.Pick up flag and run Answer-A 9.Which weapon do you use more, a Rocket Launcher or a Sniper? a.Sniper b.Rockets Answer-B 10.Do you do the Carrying in team games or are you the one who is carried? a.Carrier b.Gets Carried Answer-B 11.Do you prefer using a needler or a Frag grenade while finishing off with a BR headshot? a.Frag with BR Headshot b.Needler Answer-A 12.Do you teabag everybody that you kill, this includes NOOBS on a occasion or do you just continue the objective of the game and scope out your next enemy to take out? a.Walk away and finish objective b.Teabag Answer-B 13.Do you Send people trash talk messages, EX. You suck balls at this game. Or d you just start up a new game even though this particular game you owned someone? a.Carry on to your next game bTrash Talk Answer-A 14.When you die do you say Oh my god or start stressing out or do you call out to your teamates where the enemy is that killed you? a.Call out where the enemy is b.Complain Answer-B 15.Would you rather play an infection game or an MLG Team Slayer game? a.MLG Team Slayer b.Infection Answer-A 16.When Playing on Guardian, as soon as the game starts and you spawn on Overshield. Do you pick up the overshield as soon as you can or do you rush the camo and let one of your teamates use the Overshield? a.Rush camo "Without the Overshield" b.Take the overshield ASAP Answer-B 17.Do you XP boost or do you Legitametly get it? a.Legitametly get XP b.Boost Answer-A 18.In Slayer and objectie gametypes, do you play as a Spartan or an Elite? "This doesnt include SWAT" a.Spartan b.Elite Answer-B 19.Do you call out enemy locations or keep them to yourself? a.Call out enemies b.Keep enemy whereabouts to yourself Answer-A 20.Do you care more about trying to get a new achievement, knowing that the way your trying to get the achievement will affect the chance of your team winning "BOOSTING" or do you wait until you get the achievement by randomly coming across the oppertunity to get it, "The way it was ment to be done"? a.Wait for the oppertunity to happen, that will allow you to get the achievement b.Try to get the achievement by focusing on it in the game, no caring if you win or not Answer-A 21.Which armour helmet would you rather wear, Rogue or Hayabussa? a.Rogue b.Hayabussa Answer-B 22.Do you crouch in MLG games or do you never crouch in MLG games? a.Never crouch in MLG games b.Crouch in MLG games Answer-A 23.Would you rather make fun of a kid on halo with a squeeky voice or communicate with him to win the game you are playing? a.Communicate with the Squeeky kid b.Make fun of him Answer-A 24.Is Halo 3 your most played game? a.Yes b.No Answer-B 25.If you had the oppertunity to get Recon Armour before Halo 3: ODST comes out would you accept it, but when you accept it you become as bad as a level 25 that cant reach a higher ranking without getting boosted up or would you wait until Halo 3: ODST comes out and you will get better at Halo 3 as you wait? a.Wait until Halo 3: ODST is released b.Accept the Recon Armour Answer-B Okay by now you should have completed the quiz and you should have all of your answers. To find ou what you are ranked add up all of your "a" Answers and check the Key below. KEY- 11-15 You are a Moderate player my score was 14 just so you know, some of these questions are totally bogus. just because i cant snipe for **** doesnt make me a crappy player. nor does the fact that i play other games, like hayabusa, or play as an elite effect my skill. in fact, all the armor/appearance questions should be ommited.
Next time you try to make a quiz. Try not to base it around the 'pro' players of MLG. Just because there are competitions based around it doesn't mean they are the best players ever. MLG players are just as n00by as you or me.
Hi You know what would be prodigious? If people (by people I mean SWEETbabyJEEZUS) didn't try to make an incredibly brainless, counterfactual, and amorphous quiz to test to see if you are a "noob" or not. The entire idea is just doltish and asinine. PS. Um... Its called spellcheck buddy I would use it.