I loved Containment. I don't think that it was a remake of blood gulch, I don't even think it played like blood gulch, if for no other reason than the fact that the bases were much, much larger. But I loved the scale of the combat with all the vehicles, and the cave system was very complex and nuanced.
There is so much proof that it is Lockout, and it explains how they are accommodating competitive players. Also, when they said they were taking out Purple Reign, they said they were bringing in another map that will get people excited. They now have Avalanche (Sidewinder), Moonlight Sonata (Lockout), and Purple Reign (Midship, hopefully). All I need now is Ascension, Turf or Headlong (any sweet urban map), and Hang 'Em High with the H1 pistols back (kidding). But seriously, with those first 5 remakes, I would be content, and then, they could move on to making some sweet completely new map. To the question of whether I want it the exact same or different, I want it pretty much the same. They already failed with Guardian, so they just need to improve the graphics (a couple geometry changes like the top blue shows on the scan) on it and change the weapons around a little. I am so excited to see the pictures tomorrow. This thing better be for real.
Very unlikely, but that is a thought. If you look at the new pic, you realize it looks just like top blue and even has a BR in the exact same spot. Ascension or Lockout, I don't care because I loved them both. I miss Power Tower.
They already have Sidewinder as the second map release. This thread is about the Third map release. Anyways, I wonder what forging we could do on this 3rd map. It sounds like Lockout to me. I even wonder if we could do stuff we could do on Lockout from H2, like nade the sword off the side from the Sniper Tower.
He was kidding. I don't see much forging capabilities with either Ghost Town or Lockout (if that is what it is), but Avalanche should be able to be forged easily. There is so much room that you could probably block off a flat space and forge with some new objects that they hopefully give us.
yeah lockout is not the map you really want forge on persay its more for the tight gameplay that MLG loves. and purple rain got delyed .
Exactly. The gameplay on that map was/is going to be (assuming it is the third map) golden. I am pretty sure it is Purple Reign not Purple Rain. I hope that map is Midship because that would add to the competitiveness (MLG) of Halo so much, especially if both Midship and Lockout are remade.
yeah cant wait but those little monsters will ruine it make infection which lockout is not that good for that gametype if you know what i mean.
I don't think anyone can really make an Infection map out of Avalanche, but hey thats just me. If they do, i'll be so pissed..
Does anyone remember Bungie talking about having to activate a bridge or something to cross a chasm? I'm pretty sure they wheretalking about "Moonlight Sonata" aka "Moonbase Alpha" I'm pretty sure it's something almost brand new. And Everyone at Bungie shot down the Lockout remake thing.
I hate that Bungie is going to make us pay for Maps we've already played. If they make a remake it should be free!! Remakes are cool and all, But seriously.. Why would I want to play the same map from a previous game, I'd prefer to play new levels.. New environments, New settings, not a map that I've already played on.. I give this new Map pack a big BOO!!