RPG-Style Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by nealsaviking, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I just came up with an idea for a sandbox map. It is meant for people who like RPG-type maps.
    The map will resemble a basic city with a few thing:

    • City Hall
    • Jail+Police Station
    • Shop
    • Church
    • Warehouse
    • Residential Building
    • ??(You decide)
    There will be teams/groups:

    • Police-Blue- Make sure that the players follow the laws set during pregame. Jail all who break the law and keep them locked up until the mayor decides their fate.
      • Police Chief-- The player on police team that has the highest rank. The police chief gives orders to the police and they must follow or he may relieve them of their duty. A relieved officer then switches to the citizen team. The only person with higher authority than the chief is the Mayor.
    • Mayor-Orange- Sets laws during pregame and decides guilty/not guilty and punishments. May also relieve the police chief of duty or demote him and promote someone to police chief. The mayor cannot arrest anyone. The Mayor usually stays in City Hall. He cannot be attacked while in City Hall.

    • Mafia-Green- The mafia is your local gang. The "Don" is the thug with the highest rank. The Don then chooses his right hand man. If anything happens to the Don, his right hand man is immediately promoted and the old Don, if still alive, chooses to be a citizen or a low-ranked thug. The mafia usually resides in the Warehouse, where they hide their drugs.

    • Priest-Yellow- The priest stays in the Church and has very many options. He can be corrupt and use the Church to hide criminals, or he can be good and use it for those seeking forgiveness from God. The Police may not enter the Church, although the mayor can. While in the Church, all weapons must be put away unless you are the priest(show this by pulling out plasma pistol). If a weapon is shown in the Church, the mayor may boot you from the game or the priest may kill you for disobeying the wishes of God.

    • Citizen-Red and Pink- Citizens have no responsibilities. They can do anything they want. They can even be recruited as a criminal or a police officer. They can even be hired as an undercover assassin. Whatever the player offering the job and the citizen agree to. For example, the police chief may hire him as a hitman to kill the priest, the one keeping him from searching the church. The citizen may either report him to the mayor, or have a little fun and accept the mission. After accepting a mission, the citizen changes his color to Pink. After completing the mission, return to the assignor and inform him. At that point, switch back to Red team.
      • Salesman-- The salesman controls the armory. His shop is where to go if you need a weapon. The only catch is that you need his permission. He may request that you do something fro him in order to get the gun. You must do this if you want the gun! If you take the gun without his permission, it is stealing and you will be jailed.
    On death you immediately switch to Red. To get a job, you can contact the locals (Don, Mayor, Police Chief).

    Map Layout:
    I'm thinking of using the portal-door system. I might build some things such as the warehouse and police station in the basement, but have the entrance on the main level with a door and a hidden teleporter. This way, it's like actually walking into a building and shutting the door behind you. City Hall would be in the center of the city and the church might be built on the sky level. Random building would then fill up the town, each providing a position for someone to keep watch, assassinate somebody, hide out, or some other advantage.

    Please share ideas and I welcome any experienced forger to help me. I can picture everything perfectly, but I am not great at forging it. I am experienced and know all the methods, but I am just not a very natural forger (I'm not sure how else to describe it). So if you want to help out, just tell me or add me and tell me. GT: nealsaviking
    #1 nealsaviking, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    As good as this sounds it is not very practical... I have actually done this with a suburbs map but it didnt work out because someone never knew how to play during the whole thing(I had about 8 people) so if everyone knows how the rules go, that is great but if someone were to download a map with this gametype it probably wouldn't work out to well. Goodluck in figuring this out but if you want my full opinion... I don't think it will work.
  3. Tectonix

    Tectonix Ancient
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    Too many honor rules to be playable
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I'm guessing the minimum players is around 8 considering all those titles. This would be fun, and I could expect this to be fun, so don't disappoint.

    Shop would be next to the police station, which would be next to city hall. All these should be in the sky bubble or on an elevated position to promote the image of the police always watching you. In the police station would be a teleporter that would have access to the general area of each district. The shop would just be up there so the police have a short walk/drive to the shop to kill or capture some crook. A leisure building would be nice, soccer field, driving range/golf course, etc.

    Warehouse should house illegal (bad-looking or power weapons) weapons like spikers or energy swords. Also drugs like steroids (overshields) and custom powerups that make you run faster at the cost of lower health. Shop should only include what the police station armory has access to (ex. police station has AR so shop has AR) except for a few powerful items like the rocket launcher, sniper, and some equipment.

    Residential building should be turned into individual housing so the map doesn't look empty, and in the middle of those groups of houses is the church. The church should be very decorative and have an open roof or something like that.

    A car dealership would be awesome, where everybody (including cops, mayor) would have to buy a mongoose or hog or Hornet or ghost or whatever, mongoose being the easiest to get and Hornet being the hardest to get, having to complete multiple and usually difficult tasks to get it.

    A court would lie (see, i made a pun) next to city hall and a lawyer (some stupid color, because nobody likes lawyers) or two would have offices there. Mayor or the police chief would double as a judge. Jurors would be anybody randomly picked. In the court, the judge and the jurors decide what punishment to give the lawbreaker (or someone who did nothing but pressing charges against them anyways) which would include execution, jail time, paying weapons/equipment, giving the deed to a house, etc.

    Even without honor rules, this would be a good map to mess around and beat the hell out of everybody. I would help, but I don't has Sandbox. Expect me to have it by the end of the week though.
  5. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    If this works out (make a little community to hold the rules) it'd be great.

    Although someone would've probably had this idea before, it's the first time I hear it.
    Please do make this, but do keep in mind it probably won't get insanely popular - mainly because it isn't playable as something you can just join a match and then enjoy.
    It'll take a while.

    Does it end when the maffia or the police+Mayor are completely exterminated?
  6. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    The end can be whenever. If the whole police force or mafia dies, then of course it will end because the 2 major sides can no longer compete. If the mayor is killed, then the game goes into chaos and everybody will probably end up dead anyways. I'm thinking maybe a 4-5 life limit to speed up the game? I will also try to make it playable for all gametypes. I'm picturing a city like ones on Far Cry 2 if anybody has played it? I'm looking forward to making this and I hope I get help from some good forgers. Tips and ideas are appreciated. I'll constantly be changing the thread since this is just a draft.
  7. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Oooh, the Maffia needs to place a bomb in the bank before they can rob it.
    And the Police squad needs to disarm it.
    I guess there's no way to turn off signals like "bomb has been picked up"/"bomb has been planted", and more importantly "[name] killed [name]", becuase if your kills are in display for everyone, it is impossible to kill someone secretly.
    If you can turn it off, the police will have to patrol the streets.
  8. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Good call. I guess that'll be another honor rule haha
  9. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Or just make the police station in the Sky Bubble and have them teleport down and look for the bastard that killed the bastard.
  10. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Stupid thing is, though, that your name hovers above your head, so instead of having to figure out which of the people is a criminal (people describing what he looked like, armor-wise) you just look around and wait 'till you see the name.

    Of course, that can lead to interesting traps.. Him running in a dense alley, and when the police are in, other filth comes from the roof and kills them all!
  11. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    I have a map on my old account, kilamanjara14, which has a bunch of these buildings. It was my first map posted here I think actually... too bad i deleted it and all the pictures... damn... I played this gametype on it once tho, disregaurding that message before, I forgot I had played it once before but with only about 4 people instead. It was fun but not enough people to do much... but if there are 8 people that is just asking for trouble...
  12. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    I say a full 16--make the map big. 5 cops, 1 mayor, 5 in the mafia, 4 citizens, 1 priest
  13. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    what would the point of the priest do? and goodluck trying to find a group that big willing to play a game like that and understanding how to play a game like that
  14. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Well, welcome at a forum.
    He can make a topic with people eager to join, if they don't behave they get kicked.

    Perhaps he could even make a group/clan of people who'd enjoy repetedly playing it.
  15. apesap0

    apesap0 Ancient
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    Dudes, I have read somewhere on forgehub that if someone picks up an Oddball, you cannot see the [name] killed [name] anymore, solving the problem of knowing who killed who. I suggest that the Mayor picks up the Oddball, giving him special traits or something.

    EDIT: I didn't read about it somewhere on forgehub, but at bungie.net . It was about a game called Clue (link)
    #15 apesap0, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  16. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Thanks for the tip. That really helps. Maybe I could have an isolated place that holds the oddball, where killing is not allowed. Again, many honor rules but this could be a game that people really enjoy, while others find is extremely boring.
    The only problem is you can't snipe-assassinate someone if you're holding an oddball. I'll look into it.
  17. lost

    lost Ancient
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    This sounds really fun but most people aren't nice enough to follow all the rules. They would just run around ruining the fun for everyone else, until everyone quits. If you can find people who are actually willing to play by the rules then this would be very fun.
  18. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Yeah that's the big problem. I think you just have to get a set group, then close the party and play for a little.

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