Hollow Hollow is a fully enclosed medium sized map that is good for fast-paced, close quarters FFA and Team Slayer games. It is on the ground floor of Sandbox, and features several various rooms and hallways laid out asymmetrically which provide great gameplay. The map design itself was largely influenced by classic FPS action from games such as Goldeneye and Unreal Tournament. It is the second in my series of "enclosed" maps. This time around I have put forth a lot of time and effort into the map, making gameplay great as possible and forged/interlocked everything neatly. Screenshots: Regenerator spawn. Teleporter room. I wonder where it goes? Overshield room. View of a hallway. Another hallway. A thicker hallway. An overview. (roof stripped) Another overview. (roof stripped) Large overview. >>Download<<
I'm not usually one to bump, and.. this has made it to the second page; but honestly, no comments? None at all? I'm looking for any kind of critique.. like ways to improve. Is there something I did wrong? Maybe you guys don't like these sort of maps.. ?
Yeap, no one even comments on maps anymore on here, they just download or not and bump their own maps wondering why their maps don't get commented on... Anyways, map looks very easy to break, one grenade jump and you're out. You could do this at one base, run around the outside of the map and grenade jump in at the opposite base. You could even jump on the blocks and use the elevation to your advantage. 2/5
Ok, half of the screens are not showing up for me but I can imagine. Its looks like alot of camping would take place here, maybe open up the center a little with a large room or two. Seems like a conquest style map almost.
I know that there is only so much things that you can put on a map, but as a jumping person this map would be painful for me. It seems to have alright forging and a heave-ho effort. So I'll be nice and give this map a 7 out of 10.
right now, your map is very linear. sure, the middle area has a few branches / side rooms, but the real problem is how your bases only have 1 entrance / exit. maybe you can shift a few things around and open up a second or even third way into the bases. this would give your map better flow, and allow for more complicated gameplay, since players will have more options. another thing to keep in mind is that your map is basically all ground level. try to think through your favorite maps in halo 3 or previous fps games you've played, and i can guarantee those maps had more vertical variety than this map. so in summary, you need to tie your map together in more ways so that it doesn't end up being a curvy hallway. you also should consider having some areas be at higher elevations than others, so that you can get into more interesting battles.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, it will really help when I am designing my next map. Also, 2 images seem to be down for some reason... hmm.
Hi. I really love the feel that this map has. It feels like an old school FPS map to me. But, as i was walking around in it for a few minutes, checking things out, I noticed a couple REALLY BAD issues. 1) Being able to spawn in the same room as shotgun and camo is bad! Invisibility and shotgun is one of the most deadly combos in the game, you cant just hand it to the player when they spawn, thats a bit unbalanced. 2) You have a teleporter that leads to a dead-end room that contains the sword. REALLY BAD. Using teleporters at all is a risk because they tend to promote camping at one side of the teleporter. But then putting a sword in the room is basically like just asking players to sit in that one room the entire game racking up kills. I dig the layout and design of the map, but it going to need some serious re-engineering to be balanced and play well.
Hehe.. yeah. Thanks, I should of reconsidered the sword room; That was more of a last minute addition. The shotgun/camo placement was a mistake I think. I'm glad you enjoy the layout, though. Although I won't be making v.2, I still am trying to learn from all of your responses.