I) Thou Shalt rush sword II) If thy teammate takes the sword, he shall be betrayed III) Thou shalt use the combo IV) Thou art impossible to kill. Should thou be killed, the killer is hacking V) Lag is to blame for all missed shots VI) Thou Shalt trash talk VII) Thy gamertag shall be prefixed and suffixed with X's VIII) All of thy losses are blamed on thy team IX) The ass of any Bungie Employee shall not go unkissed X) Thou shalt teabag ADD ANY YOU THINK ARE APPROPRIATE!!!! MORE I MADE UP: If thou has katana, thou art awesome Thou shalt shotgun camp Grifball art the sport of kings All the achievements shall be obtained. If thou is forced, boost Thy purpose in life is to obtain recon armor Thou shalt make a big deal out of getting a perfection Thy rank is thy pride; brag about it whenever thou has the chance Thou shalt complain about how the legendary pack still costs money Thou shalt negative boost Thou shalt flame the forums Thou shalt HLG BEST OF USERS:
Yeah, I posted these a while ago on bungie.net and forgot all about them. Then a few months later I thought about what goes through a noobs head and remembered them
lol! the one i liked the most was II)If thy teamate takes sword, he shall be betrayed. that had me curled up in a ball laughing!
I have x's around my name "Encounter" was taken by some silver account who had 0 gamerscore. Pretty accurate commandments though.
Pretty good commandments. However, there needs to be alot more of them. Like 'Thou shalt scream into your microphone with a very high pitched voice'.
- who insult thee, with threats to discover thy address and stab thy mother. Just a quick fix up on yer old English lol. - Thou shalt plead for Recon or any other armor permutations not steadily available to the public (covers for after Halo 3: ODST as well) - Thou shalt take the laser, and miss every shot. - Thou shalt hide in the base with the shotgun, sword, power drain and 'nades. Lots of 'nades. - Thou shalt play music over thine microphone. - Thou shalt ensure all teammates that the situation shalt be handled, by thou. - Thou shalt fire four sniper rounds, to make two body shots, on two people, then run for cover. - Thou shalt go straight into the Rocket Hall on The Pit 'tis all I got atm.
Hey, theres nothing wrong with teabaggery guys! its fun to watch that body flop up and down on the ground! And the x's bit isn't too accurate, because some people can't get the name they want, though I think it takes a bit more creativity to get a name without x's and numbers... Thou shalt ***** and whine about a team mate who does not wear Hyabusa armor. Thou shalt ***** and whine when someone tells you where the enemy is. Thou shalt threaten to hack anothers account for thyne own. Thou shalt vehemently deny that thyne 50 was bought. Thou shalt attempt to kill thy opponent fifty feet away with a shotgun, wasting all shots. Thou shalt throw an energy drain at thy team mates passing vehicle to neutralize it so thou can take the gunner seat.
thou shalt charge four enemies by thine lonesome then thou shalt bich about opposition teaming you during team slayer thou shall claim all lag is caused by a switch controled by thine enemy