Map Credits Layout Creator and Main Builder - Sauceofallevils Center Piece Idea and Small Task Assistant - Obsidian Axeman Small Task Assistant - asrto man 3 the Inspiration to this Map's Creation Well before I create maps, I always make a rough copy first. I call these rough copies my test layouts. Now this particular layout was inceptively constructed in foundry, but after completing it I realized that it was too big of a layout to fit in foundry and it would be too cramped. So I assumed that eventually a map with improved forging capabilities would be created. Luckily I was right, and Sandbox was born; I was definitely very happy. Once I saw the large abundance of forging objects I knew that I would be able to fulfill this maps specifications, and do it justice. At first though, I figured I would sharpen my Sandbox skills, so I made my first Sandbox map "Free Fall". The layout is good, and it worked out as I would have hoped. I think you'll like it, and if you like you can get it as well. Though, I still had this map in mind, knowing I could bring my forging creations to the next level. After I completed "Free Fall" my friend Obsidian Axeman was fooling around and roughly made a neat center piece. I knew then, this center piece would work magnificently for my up coming map. I then asked him if I could incorporate his center piece idea in to my up coming map and he allowed it. After this, the grueling creation of this map begun. A few days later Trip Land was born. Suggested Game Variants and Party Size On my file share you will see two game modes, Free For All and Team Deathmatch. These are not mandatory to play the map, but it is suggested because it makes the custom powerup work like I initially intended it to. Now the way I made the custom power up work is certainly very deadly, and it is one insidious tool of destruction. What it does is turn the player orange and offers them 3x damage for 35 seconds. It's function is similar to that of the Quad in the Quake series. This map works splendid for free for all's and multi team style scenarios. Though it still works terrifically with just two teams. I would say that this map works optimally with 6 to 16 players, since it is relatively large, any number of players under that makes the pace slow and the map will not reach it's full potential of enjoyment. Concluding Segment As you can see it took me a long duration of time to interlock all the walls on the floor in the center piece, but it was definitely worth the hassle and the multitude of conundrums perpetuated by this difficult and tedious task. Some parts may still be imperfect, but the map as a whole is great in my opinion, and a large array of other people think so as well. Obviously the name Trip Land comes from the vivid and crazy lights that ingulf this magically floating facility of carnage. I know I probably won't be able to get to the state of honorificabilitudinitatibus as all the other phenomenally skilled forging prodigies that this site consists of, but all I truly hope for is that you enjoy this map, if this goal is reached, then I successfully completed my objective. I also have other maps on my file share, like metl2, which is a great map, I still need to go back and fix the one diagonal bridge, but other then that it is perfect, and you'll probably enjoy this map as well. As for the other maps, if you look past the aesthetic imperfections you will enjoy the game play that the maps offer. If you're curious to who I am, I'm the one who created the original layout for Backward Logic's map Promenade. I hope to eventually bring to you additional maps for all of you to enjoy. My mapping mantra is "If you can dream it, you can build it. Even if the idea seems a bit enigmatic, you can build it with the right tactic." Trip land can be found on my file share and it is located on the 16th slot. : Halo 3 File Share Try the map out and enjoy!
It's really big. Really random and I can see someone just going to the outside and picking people off. But still, it's cool
i think that it is a decent map, srry, but hey thats just me. if you can fully go into the tunnnels that are close to the center, that kinda seems like it would be deadly. aslo at the top with the wood platforms, seems like there isnt alot of room and cover. but over all its a pretty good map. looks like a good BR game. ohh and could you put the wepon list/layout, it could be handy with people who are wondering about that, thanks.
I don't see how you think it's random, because it's actually a well thought out layout. Everything flows in the map in a specific way, a map that is random, has no rhyme or reason. It is just a map that is thrown together and there truly is no layout plan, and the weapons are just randomly scattered, and nothing really fits. This map however, everything is made a specific way, to work within the intended environment, so that criticism is not very logical, so I will not considerate until fully elaborated and well thought out. As for the weapon layout, I'd be happy to give it to you. Rockets = Middle Shotgun = Two y-intersects(across from each other) Brute shots = Two y-intersects(across from each other) Sniper = Top Square Needler = Block Large near upper pathway of wide lower section and another on the wooden ramp bridge Missile Pods = Near tub extension which leads to teleporter Invis = Near lower wooden bridge Over Shield = On far end of wooden ramp Custom Power up = On the end of the wooden walk way at the top Thanks for playing Longshot, give it a go with roughly 9 friends, and see how fun this map can trully be! I appreciate your feedback, thank you again.
Wow, sounds like you have a lot of power weps - rockets, 2 shotguns, sniper, 2 missile pods, OS, camo, and custom power up... well, i guess reg sandbox is like that too. Also, what purpose does the kill ball serve? If its just for aesthetics, I would get rid of it, it can be really annoying.
Well actually there is only 1 missile pod. Though, the map isn't really clustered with power weapons because of the size of it. Really, it has less power weapons then the Pit. The Pit, has two snipers, rockets, two shotguns, sword and ov and invis. So relative to the map's size, it isn't over loaded with power weapons at all. Also Longshot, I'm thankful for your critisim and I accept your opinions, but I think you should download the maps and walk through them before you put in your two cents. I only say this because, you didn't even know if the tubes where accesible, or barley anything about the map before you looked at it and said what you thought, you only knew what the screenshots told you. Even if trying the map made your thoughts of my map even lower, it would still be better then ignorantly reviewing a map. So for all of the mappers, just download the map's and run through them and really think about all the aspects of it's game play, then tell an elaboritive array of fact fueled opinions regarding the map's layouts. Thank you, and everyone download the map and enjoy!
This is a very nice map with an original look.The filter makes everything look so cool especially the killball.Rockets are placed correctly and the tunnels make for intense close quarters combat.The top section of map is a great position to lock down as for it seems like the high ground in this map is a huge advantage.Oddly enough the missile pod,when used precisely, can be devestating to those positioned above the map. Great layout and original design 5/5! this one's staying in my hard drive for a long time!