Sandbox MLG Outpost V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by mrcleanup, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    MLG Downfall

    Great map for MLG CTF and TS. 2 base map. Plays fast across the middle of the map Needs more feed back for Improvement.
    Map Contains:
    3 BR, 3 Carbines, 1 maller, 8 plasma nades, and 2 frag nades
    Red Base
    Red Gold Corner
    View of Red Gold From Base
    Blue Base
    View of Purple Side From Blue
    Gold Side
    Purple Side
    View Off the Start of CTF

    To download the Maps Check out My File Share.
    #1 mrcleanup, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map. i like both of the bases as they are completly the same exept that they are red and blue bases. the rest of the map looks good too. keep up the good work and welcome to Forgehub!
  3. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    Still play testing the map.

    If any one wants to help test the map, it is running pretty smooth now and just needs a few ajustments, but I cant get any of my friends to play test with me. The testers guild has not got back to me yet about play testing it for me. So I am going to ask in here, i know it is the wrong place to ask but I need people to help tomorrow night to test. It tomorrow at 10pm EST/ 9pm CST. Once again I would love the help and the input. The map plays quick base to base, but long from side to side. That is the only reason I made it shorter from base to base. I have made other maps in the crypt and they are hugh from one base to the other. Just wanted a map that plays fast.
  4. Hulksey

    Hulksey Ancient
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    looks like a solid map... it looks really smooth from the pics... not sure how your close you are on budget or OL, but you might consider adding more to the sides... they just look too simple IMO... off topic: idk if you realize this, but i posted a map about a week ago with the same name... not flaming, just saying
  5. ReiKo

    ReiKo Ancient
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    This is a great, fast paced map. Once you get used to the layout, it works really well.

    I added my map to competitive, Cleanup!
  6. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    I would add more pics, but other than that, looks like a clean map. Very good competitve play too.
  7. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    any one played it yet

    Has anyone got the chance to play the map yet?
  8. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    wow that is an awsome map, i really like the design of the bases. the outside (purple and gold) dont seem to be planned out that well, but if oyu didnt have alot of money/items i can undestand why. If you put some pictures in, maybe put it so that its not in forge mode, some people can get a little mad about seeing the guide line and respawn points, and actin shots would be sweet. well good job with the map.
  9. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    I was playing on this map earlier with you and I have to say it plays very well. I would recommend playing Multi flag on this cause it works so well. The merging is all very good, when I was playing I was looking for a bump on the map but couldn't find one. Also you should try changing the layout a little bit, cause you could jump on almost every part making the map feel like one level. I'm not sure how you would do that cause it's almost perfect. Anyways good job bro keep up the good work.
    #9 oFatalAcex, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  10. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    Added new pics for the Map!!!

    Added new pics for the map!!! As soon as I get some more test games on it, I will add some Gameplay pictures. For now download and get a game of ctf or slayer on it. Thanks everybody. Me and R2 the Eiko are making a new map and the start of the map is amazing. He is the guy that made Vale. It was an amazing map if you have not played this one or his you should try them both. Take a look at his, it is over in Competitive Maps Under Vale.
    #10 mrcleanup, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  11. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    i dl'ed and played on this map, it has smooth game play and is a tiny bit smaller than normal mlg maps , making exciting gameplay ... 5/5

    i think that this map should get featured.

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