I see many posts of maps that I just overlook due to the name. People say don't judge a book by it's cover but people still do. To help you with this problem I will name your map for you. With my colorful and extensive vocabulary along with my excellency in the Latin, Spanish, and the English language, your map be successful. Just post a description and or background of your map and i will report back with a fitting name If you could message my private profile that would be better because i can make sure i reply to everyone.
Not to rain on your parade or gain monopoly over this service, but I have created a very similar thread. It was made almost 4 months ago and has over 200 replies. Having two threads for the same purpose in the same place is rather unnecessary. Instead of using this, how about you help others at that thread. Thanks. and I hope you understand.
Great representation of your "acceleration" of the English language. LOL. And the link What's A Scope gave you is very good. I've been there before.
OK, so could we have some examples of some of the names you can come up with O-Apparently-Amazing-Map-Namer?
"acceleration" is an increase of speed i did make a typo however and thank you for catching me But this will not happen in my map names because i am not forming sentences, rather i am forming names. I will use a dictionary, thesaurus, and a translator to form these names and no thanks this is my thread. I thank you for catching my mistake, i meant "excel," but this is my thread and you are spamming it with **** that doesn't apply to this thread i don't care how many post that kid has. The names lack creativity. Now GTFO of my thread with your self promotion, condescending bullshit.
Calm down. And I wasn't pointing out that one word. Your whole post is full of grammatical and spelling errors. Also, I asked you a simple question and you flip out. Reported.
I like the idea. But whats a scope has a good point. Why don't you just do this exact same thing, but in that thread. That way you are using names you thought up (youd don't have to use his, and there is a little less clutter in the forums? but lets see how good you are. I have a map on blackout. It is king of the hill. There is one hill located top middle. There is a plane that drops five fusion coils inside the hill every 1 minute. The starting spawns are all in the hill so its a craze fest in the beginning. The library and br tower contain human weapons, the lift contains plasma weapons, and the sniper tower contains brute weapons. This is for pure fun and can be used with any variation of king of the hill, except a moving hill because there is only one territory.
Name This I am building a map in the sky bubble. It is a vague assemblance of shapes divided by a hint of impenetrable shelter. The space in between the objects is clear and vapid nothingness. The nonexistence vacuum of shapelessness dominates the half orb workspace. There is an impending importance to every minutely manipulated object placement. When you stare at the map there is a deep sense of stillness that comes over you pulling you through the central inspiration hub and on further into a time long before the idea of the map had been pondered even slightly. Name please.
aerogota- meaning skydrop Batalta- meaning high battle Asesinato Heights- meaning murder heights Casrupt- meaning to fall and break; Casruption Medbellum- war in the middle Casile Plain- plain in the act of falling, pun on the planelain -Hope this helped, i could use pictures next time, but its cool. -tell me if this helped you
Okay fine, but that does not change the fact that there is already a thread like this. Having two of the same threads is redundant. Why do you think that there is one Forging 101 to show all of the forge tricks? Because having two would make no sense. I was just suggesting that you could help others there instead. If you want to use this thread then fine.
this thread is for people who need help with their map name. do you need help? a picture would be nice for the map name next time Fractempure- breaking time Vacufract- break into nothingness Tranquility- peace, quiet Geofract- to break shape Termino- end Vacutract- to pull into nothingness Callas- quiet You can post on this thread when your balls drop. What are you 5? Calling on the mods for help? Maybe you should ask them to change ur diaper too.
No acceleration is a change in velocity i.e. you accelerate when you speed up. you accelerate when you slow down. you accelerate when you change direction. get your **** straight. before you think you know what your talking about... take physics HOLY **** a triple post. damn
Everyone calm down. No need to attack this thread or his grammar. His use of acceleration was fine. As you said, OMFGClutch69, acceleration is a change in direction or speed. He was showing the way he used it which was correct. Let's stop spamming this thread and let it serve its purpose.
Why are there like six sig shops then? Why are lots of screenshot competitions then? Nah just kidding, I get what you said. Why don't you two work together, and compete for requests for map names, in the same thread. You (Tectonix) could've helped out on What's A Scope?'s thread, and had a much more happy and open armed welcome party, instead of cursing at more than half of the posts on this thread. Your names are pretty good and cool sounding, but they sound like you mixed together English with Latin, or some other variation, at a second glance.
Oxy-moron? Might want to fix that. Anyway, I do have to agree that I skip over many maps myself that don't have a somewhat decent name. Another trigger is if it starts with a lowercase letter. It makes me want to judge the map unfairly even before I've seen it. Good luck with the naming.