Me and Hellsrequiem(I think thats right)spent a couple of days collaborating on a signature. Passing it back and forth doing three and then six layers each until we ran out of stuff. We couldn't decide on text, so I'll post all three versions. No text Hell's text My text
Lets see you make something better? Seriously that sig has a lot of flow to it. I like hellz text a little better then yours Ice. Choosing text for this sig must have been very hard for this sig though, I think you both did a great job with the text.
Thanks, eguitar! We should do a collab battle, I used to do that at my old GFX Site, I lost most because I was like 12 years old but it's all fun.
Tiz... Bro go on AIM again. Oh and for some CnC the smudging and colors are excellent and I like how the effects go from her fingertips yet it is a bit busy but w/e. I get told that like... every sig? Idk... Good job. =)
The smudging was me, and the finger thingies were Hell's...Oh, and it may be a little to busy I agree, but its not too overly busy, like massively is it?
Ha... I'm not someone you should be asking... I dig busy but I'm not sure how other people feel about it. Haven't u seen any of my sigs?
I am not an expert, but I can state this. The signature is not too overdone/busy. The effects and C4Ds are used just right, not too less and not too much. The C4D used it sexy and great Choice of colors.
let me guess.. stock chosen by you? So sexy... you almost made me drop my pants a grab a lotion AGAIN. lol. Keep up the graphics epicness. I am a fan of both of you. I love your style HellRequiem. I have seen some of your sigs when you started being active here and I love the style border you use and the effects you use. You need to tell us your secrets, make us a tut! I have always loved your style Ice. Who can forget your epic C4D usage skills and clipping mask skills. Not to forget, your knowledge of graphics (Your CnC Thread). Also, your extremely sexy choice of stocks.
Wow...that's the most compliments I've gotten in one post before...About the stock, kinda, I found a gallery with that stock in it and I sent a link to that gallery to Hell's he said, lets use this one...Oh, I would write a tutorial for this (If hell's would let me) , but I have no idea what Hell's did, I have his layers, but thats it.
All in all it's pretty good. Hellcikle would have been cooler. I can see Ice's C4D's in there, awesome. Hell's amazing lighting is great. Sharpening could be better. Hint: Only sharpen focal. One major problem I have is that the two white lines are just so random that they become my focal. The stock placement should have been on the left instead of the right IMO. Hand is a little bright. Not liking the border on overlay. Hell's text is better. Good job you two. Very nice. Collab battle? Gotta find Stoj!