Sandbox Conduction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    -6-12 Players Recommended
    -Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, Team Snipers, 1-Flag, Multi-Flag
    -Team Oddball, Assault, One Bomb, Team King, Territories also set up




    Conduction is my pride and joy. It's a spiritual successor to my last Foundry map, Adagio. This map has been in the works since the staff members received Mythic back in February. The past two weeks, I haven't touched it. It has been finished, and I've been thinking about it. I've poured a lot into this map, I've done a lot of tweaks, and this map is all about gameplay.

    Design Concept:

    A lot of maps today lack a flow. They lose the feel of what makes a map actually feel like a map. Many maps just end up looking like a bunch of random junk spread out and geomerged across a plain. Maps lack height differences, and smooth transitions between any differences they have. All in all, custom maps just don't feel like bungie made maps.

    My goal was to do my best to recreate what a map would actually feel and play like a matchmaking map. I've never been one to create pointless aesthetics, and everything I build has a gameplay purpose. Many slight and more drastic height changes have been included. Mainly, the gameplay concept was a large, roomed off map that used the separation to increase the feeling of size.


    8xBattle Rifle
    2xSniper Rifle
    2xPlasma Pistol
    2xPlasma Rifle
    1xRocket Launcher
    1xEnergy Sword
    2xCovenant Carbine

    7xPlasma Grenade
    1xFrag Grenade
    1xBubble Shield
    1xPower Drain
    1xActive Camo
    1x Overshields


    Below each picture is the callout I use for the area

    Blue Base

    Blue Base (second shot)

    OV 2

    Red Tele/Sender

    Red Tele/Sender (Second Shot)

    Red Pipes

    Red Base

    Red Base (Second Shot)

    Red Sniper

    Camo 2 (Not really a good shot, the whole upper side with the pillars is camo 2)

    Blue Sniper

    Blue Sniper (second shot)

    Camo 1

    OV 1

    Red Path

    Map Overview 1

    Map Overview 2

    Action Shots




    Special Thanks

    Shadow Viper: Massive thanks to you for pretty much being 1 or 2 block placements away from a coforge. This map would be nothing without your dedication to it in both forge in testing. Thanks for the amazing ideas, the awesome reworks, and the sheer epicness of having you on my side for this one. I owe you one.

    One of, if not the biggest fan of both versions. This map has come a long, long way with your help. Thank you for the insight ideas, the suggestions I may not of always listened to, the hours of running around. But most certainly of all, thanks for turning my weapons. It made a big difference, honestly.

    Always my partner in crime, you have given a lot for my maps. You have amazing perspectives on gameplay and designs..and life. If it weren't for skype chats and XBL parties with you, this map would not have reached completion.

    Way back when, before Adagio existed, before Manifest was released, you were there. Thanks do the much needed criticism, my initial design and style evolved from subpar, overdone Damnation "spiritual successor" to my best design thus far. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't there on the same train of thought as I.

    lil twinkie2: Thanks for being there for every test, giving me insight feedback, making my gameplay tests enjoyable, and giving me some major map rework suggestions.

    Thank you to Chipsinabox, What's a Scope?, Adelyss, Kidbomber, Agamer93, Zombievillian, Iv0ry Snak3, and all of my other testers from both my Foundry version and my Sandbox version. Couldn't have done it without you guys.

    But most of all, thank you Barack Obama and Jesus. You guys ****in rock.


    #1 chrstphrbrnnn, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  2. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Well, as usual, another great map. I love the neatness of the map from items such as the "tele-corners' to the pipes. It looks very well balanced and like gameplay, at least for the first few games, will have a mystic feel to them as one tries to navigate the flawlessly merged terrain.

    Amazing aesthetics and placements of objects. I liked the vertical aesthetics and the overall flow of the map, or at least what I can tell from the pictures. Definite download. I'll get back to you with a review after I play on it a few times.


    *The .1 for culture. :)
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    OMG you RELEASED it!? When I was at work!? WTF you bastardface! lol

    Ive seen this map go through many many revisions, but I think you arrived at the correct location with it. Every change only made it better in the end, no matter how much you sacrificed from what you wanted.

    This map plays phenominally for almost any sized party or gametype. I never really disliked any game i played on it, even when receiving my ass on a silver platter. I think the only time I got angry is when Shad0w was being an asshat and camping around corners with the sword like a tool. [<3]

    The map feels massive, and I cant wait to see what you come up with next after this. Oh wait... I already know. Get working on our **** bish!

    PS. I know you turned all the weapons back to 90° when i wasnt looking! :D
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I'd just like to start by saying, this map has been through a lot and has been a long time coming. I remember when it was a few double boxes and a couple bridges months (?) ago in foundry, and now it is finally completed on Sandbox. However, there is no real way to adequately describe how far it really has come.

    With that said, it's worth note to say that although I liked the original design of the foundry version, it always felt like it lacked something. Whatever it was, you fixed it because I loved this one when I had tested it (and that was long before it's current state). The addition of Blue-Side "upper walkway" fixed many balance issues, and provided another area of control, and the "hollowed out" undersides to this map also provided multiple paths as well as safe spawns, both increased the gameplay greatly.

    But if there was one thing to praise this map for (besides appearing huge in size) it's that it recaptures a feeling that we have always both felt lost in Halo 3 maps as opposed to it's predecessors; height. I remember games on Damnation, Hang em High, Colossus and countless others, and I always remembered the advantages of the high ground. However, games did not focus on the control of these high points, they also provided numerous methods for one team to gain the edge over the other. Opponents could escape under you and beneath structures of which from your high point you could not easily shoot into. It was then you had to decide whether or not to sacrifice your kill, or sacrifice your position on the map. This map has managed to replicate this feeling almost exactly.

    Besides that, this map also features a very good spawn system, and excellent weapon placement. You've always understood weapon placement in a way I never had, and this map only shows that. And, as I mentioned above, this map feels gigantic, and often times you forget that you are playing in the Crypt because it feels that much larger. I hope that you submit this into Atlas, because though it may not be the prettiest at times, it sure plays amazingly and brings something back to Halo 3 that I have felt lost. For those who have never played Halo 1 or 2, I suggest you download this map, because it does a very good job at replicating the gameplay within Halo 3's predecessors.

    *oh, I finally see that you stood up the snipes ;)
  5. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    Feature. calling it.
    jeez, must of taken you just as long to build as it did to get all these pic's

    Nyways, great map. excellent merging-etc. standard stuff.
    But i think sweenytodd got it right, it looks like it just stepped out of a new halo 2 map pack. in a good way. the height defines it, nothing feels better than grabbing the sword off of teh high ground, and pouncing on people in their nooks and crannies below. great map 5/5
  6. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    I still don't see how red pipes is a bad/weird place to snipe from... maybe you're just weird...

    Anyway, you always say I don't ever want anything featured... or maybe you only say it when you're drunk... anyway, the point is that I would support this for feature.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Haha I was watching gameplay vides actually, and a lot of traffic went through there. I guess it was just that the original version on foundry had the room being generally avoided.
  8. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    A map that has a flow to it. Finally someone knows what we need. Too many new guys are posting these random floating maps or maps that almost look like the default Sandbox. But you have made something incredible. I love the giant walls. Gameplay looks smooth and you put together everything perfectly.

    This reminds me a bit of hang em' high for some reason, but with it's own unique gameplay. Kind of looks like a featured foundry map made a couple of months back. I forget it's name though. Let me go look it up. EDIT: Yeah, I didn't see that you already said it. Adagio thats right...

    DL for me

    Rated Dirty
    #8 Rated Dirty, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  9. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I was there for testing Adiago and there for testing Conduction. Both maps have almost the same feel. However, Conduction pulls off this feeling on a bigger scale. I like how Conduction turned out with the addition of the red and blue bases below the snipers. It really adds an element to that map that was not in the Foundry version. I'm glad I was there from pretty much the start to finish of both maps. I really enjoy how both played, with Conduction playing better than Adaigo. This is a diamond among a beach of cubic zirconium.
  10. F2P Gametypes

    F2P Gametypes Ancient
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    good map.
    i will give you feedback when i take a closer look at that.
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thank you I appreciate your thoughts. One thing though, Adagio wasn't featured lol :p

    Awhh thanks for the nice complement Tz, and like I said, this couldn't have completed without you. You were always there to push for necessary reworks, and it all turned out well in the end.

    Thank you, but watch the spam there. Post once you have your thoughts already.
  12. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    This one is looking very nice to me. I agree with what you say about maps lacking flow.EDIT I loaded it quick in forge to check it out. Nice interlocking and flow. It has a good complexity that makes it a little challenging to learn. I also like the size of the buildings. I usually make my maps a bit too cramped. I give it a 9.5/10
    #12 SpecterCody, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  13. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    This map has to be one of the best examples of great forging prowess to ever grace this forum. The forging is top notch, the weapon placement is near impossible to surpass, and the geometry layout is one of the most well crafted that I have ever played on. Well done chrst. Testing on Conduction was a real blast, and I can't wait to play a few games on the finished variant.

    Oh, and if any member passes this map up, they're a complete nincompoop. I can't wait to see this map destroy the Best of Forge competition.
    #13 Chipsinabox, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  14. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    This map is superb chris, it's just so much fun to play. If there's one thing you accomplished with it, it's creating that feeling of size: Took me about half an hour to run a forge-through of it. You really understand how to create the length of walkways and the multitude of altitudes (spittin' rhymes) for intense gameplay. As you set out to acheive, this map definitely plays like a Bungie-made map, so hopefully you're submitting this to ATLAS because I don't see this map ever getting old. Reminds me of Hang 'em High (Best Halo map evar) with a Halo 2 twist, seeing as the sword functions as a pretty powerful weapon on Conduction. Sick map dude, you should be really proud of it.
  15. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Well, I have to say this is by far the best map created in the crypt thus far. I love how the block doubles are geomerged on the lower part, and I didn't even notice it right away.. I know your going to feature, and it's well worth it. I bet this one is going to bring more forgers to the crypt with all these brilliant ideas. I also tried to take account the multilevel gameplay when I made my last crypt map but this one trumps it. Fantastic job Chrs, Defiantly my favorite sandbox map.5/5

    I completely agree with
    conker.. Codyr, this map is a perfect example of what true genius forging is.. I love it because one actually has to get to know the map layout to get a real feel of where they are at in the map, and to achieve that tast as a forger is outstanding.. I really would be lying if I said this map would not effect the way I creat my next map because focusing on game play and not so much on aesthetics is the way to go. I will always have this map on my hard drive and possibly display it on my file share just as one of my favorite maps made. I wish I could give this map another 5 star rating its so good.
    #15 C0RRUPTl0N, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2009
  16. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I could not bear watching this map fall down to page 3, so this is me resurrecting the greatest map in Sandbox's crypt I have ever seen. The sword spawn is very unique, and shows how a power weapon really should be placed. The map has a "Closed in" feel, and I love each base. The man cannons effect the map in a good way, and the map makes due without those annoying bumps you find in most Sandbox maps now.

    I have done a quick forge through on this map, and promise this will stay on my hard drive until I find a map greater than it. Or if I grab a party, play it, and find out the gameplay is horrible, which most likely will not be.

    While making my soon to be released crypt map, I was looking through the competitive maps section, and found this. Although I didn't steal any ideas from your map, it gave me that feeling for how a map is supposed to feel. This is a nice asymmetrical map with the flow and feel of a symmetrical map. I can't find a single way to escape, and I love your display of the power weapons in the middle. Although I don't know how the gameplay will flow with each team having easy access to different power-ups, I can't wait to run a game of Capture The Flag on this map to find out!

    Edit: I can't believe this even runs under the OLN!

    That rating is bull crap, and although this isn't my map, these are the types of posts I laugh at. This sits right beside my favorite post that goes something like this; "Perfect map! 4.9/5."

    But you didn't even go as far as to explaining why you lowered him down to a 9.5. Please give out fair ratings. And when I say fair, I mean, say that the spawns are broken. Say that the map is to bumpy! Although none of these statements are true for this map, these are the types of things that would lower down a map's total score. If you loaded the map in a quick forge through game, then you really have no right to rate the map. Rating the map is usually on gameplay, not looks. Chrst, you don't deserve posts like this on a wonderful map like Conduction.
    #16 Conkerkid11, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  17. Jack Vengeance

    Jack Vengeance Ancient
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    I had the joy of seeing this map a few days ago and downloading it. I didn't get the chance to run customs on it until recently. At first glance the map achieves it's function of resembling something that would exist perfectly in Halo CE multiplayer. In execution this map is amazing.

    We ran through it in a variety of doubles game. The immediate thing that I enjoy is that while the map is big you get to familiarize yourself with the space and compartmentalize it in your mind fairly quickly. This helps because it takes away alot of "Where am I" and in turn becomes "Player 2 is in location X". A thing I personally love from Halo CE that is in this map is the sheer amount of evasive options. Are you one shot? Drop down to the bottom level and make a dash between the pillars or strafe and make a dash around a corner.

    Another thing I enjoyed immensely was the power up placement. They served to enhance the dominant teams advantage when in control or give the team at a point disadvantage an option in breaking apart the set up.

    In regards to spawn placement I have no major issues or complaints as they functioned reliably during our games. Honestly this map is the first I've seen to combine the excellent style of Halo CE map design and Halo 3 gameplay variables.

    It is an excellent map and I give it a great recommendation. It should be a must DL for those who enjoy competitive games and solid design.
  18. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    OMG, I thought I was going crazy, but I had the EXACTLY same feeling. The map gives you a strange "Halo 1" feeling, something I've had with any other map, even remakes.

    The layout and the weapons placements are great. I dont know if anyone already told this, but great work with the lights!
  19. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Wow I'm so impressed with all the great responses guys, that's how posts on maps should be. I'm glad you all appreciate the effort I put forth in creating what I feel is solid gameplay, thanks for the feedback.

    As for those of you who mentioned it, yes I will be submitting this to ATLAS as soon as I get a couple gameplay films. I need to run a final few tests, and see what I feel plays the best to submit the films of. If you guys have any suggestions for what you like to play, that'd be great. When I post it in atlas, I'll add a link in.
  20. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    My personal favorite is CTF, but TS is also a helluva lot of fun. Shotty Snipers is surpisingly enjoyable as well.

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