Funny Bone is an asymmetrical map built in the skybubble on Sandbox. I dont have much to say about it now, so just check out the pictures. I am in the final stages of testing now and will be posting it soon. Overview [/URL] Attackers Spawn [/URL] Defenders Spawn [/URL] Bridge (rockets spawn in middle) [/URL] Elbow (Sniper spawn) [/URL] Camo Side [/URL] Camo Spawn (maybe switch with sword) [/URL] Sword Spawn (maybe switch with camo) [/URL] What do you guys think?
looks pretty sick, idk whats up with that one lift though lol but it looks really fun, and well forged. Only thing i can say is be careful with the floor due to the save error for double walls. other than that tis great can't wait. =)
I definetely like this map, maybe add some guard rails to some of the edges though. Falling off is fun and all but falling to your death seems like it'd be too common.
Looks good, mabey along that central pathway you should either provide more cover or a splazer as an incentive for making the run?
In the first picture, it looks like the bottom left needs more cover. many players is this for? This could look like it would be a sick race track too.
Just to answer some of your questions.. The grave lift actually makes for a difficult but rewarding tactical jump to get behind anyone on the center bridge Falling to your death hasnt really been a problem in testing so far unless you are trying to make a jump The center pathway does has a rocket spawn in the middle, i just had moved it when I took the picture and it DOES make a good race track
Looks pretty interesting. Not too much I can say without actually having been on the map but aesthetically I'd say it's good. Not grand but not terrible. It looks like it has some steady flowing gameplay and could make for some interesting FFA or small team slayer games. My only question, why is the sword upside down? Was this just an aesthetic choice?