Zomb Fest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by link51, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. link51

    link51 Ancient
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    My first map posted on forge hub, hope you like it.

    This is a map that I build awhile back, it features a couple nice weapon cashes for pickup real fast, and the ig area of sandtrap allows me to easily let the zombies move at 300% speed, hard? nope, fun? hell ya

    the gametype is designed in a way that gives the zombies a fair chance at killing people - the alpha zombie can pick up weapons, only the alpha though, but the humans still have a good chance to live, zombies have 75% normal health so are semi-easy to drop, and because of the huge map you can grab a mongoose and drive around in circles=]

    the map has a couple hiding places, one of the pictures shows the closable door, which was made with a supply crate and a couople sender nodes lying down, you bash the door closed. This keeps the zombies out - for a time, but the zombies can still charge through if the alpha grabs a hammer and busts it open. Inside the closable door base, there is a teleporter that will eaither take you to a. - the scout tower in the minefield, or b. the tower straight above the base. The only other things of major importance are the 2 major weapon stashes, the one the humans start off at has EVERY WEAPON AVAIBLE in sandtrap, along with soem trip mines and a couple of warthogs and mongooses. There is also a chopper set to spawn every minute that falls fro the sky near the closeable door base, it has guns and only requires 1 person, but is slower so ull prob die. Its a great map to play on and is worth a try at least once.

    link to a slideshow of photos:

    individual pics -

    Game map - Zomb Fest - http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=27194656

    Game type - zombies b-ware - http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=27194666

    Enjoy one of the best maps for infection out there=]
  2. Sir_Lulz_Alot

    Sir_Lulz_Alot Ancient
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  3. link51

    link51 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    btw i just noticed about publising maps on bungie, how do i do that exactly, im gonna mess around but i might not be able to find it
  4. link51

    link51 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    does the slideshow i posted not work? i got all images on photobucket so i can link, give ma a couple min
  5. Sir_Lulz_Alot

    Sir_Lulz_Alot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright! And to be more helpful can you post a bit more info on the gametype/map?

    II ZERO II Guest

    theslideshow does work but i have to say it looks to plainto me........but thats just me because i dont like anymap on sndtrap or big levels unless they made it small like my map on sandtrap its indoors only.but good efort
  7. link51

    link51 Ancient
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    a. indivudal pics are now up
    b. personal opnion, and might be casue i made the map of course, but i can usually get 16 ppl on that map and we go at it over and over for a couple hrs straight, im on halo atm so if u want ioll start a game up so u can see it for urself

    but i think its pretty damn good

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