Outpost 87-B Foundry Seems to be like a birthday cake that never got eaten because the it turned out the birthday boy was allergic to chocolate, but today I remind you that you can still eat the icing... Anyway I was kind of tired of Sandbox so I went back and played some of my not-really-finished maps on Foundry. After playing my Outpost 87-A map I decided to finish it up and its successor was born. Outpost 87-B is a very small very hectic symmetrical map with varying height levels. I had KOTH in mind when making it so naturally it is the best game type and for some reason Oddball doesn't play very well, but I think I will make a point of adding it in anyway later. Game Types: Slayer(FFA and Team) and KOTH Players: 5(Recommended) for FFA and FFA KOTH, 6 for Team Slayer and KOTH Weapons on map: 2x Carbines 2x Spikers 2x SMGs 1x Needler 1x Bruteshot 1x Mauler 4x Plasma Grenades 1x Firebomb Grenade 1x Flamethrower(I know its overpowering, but gameplay wise it isn't a real gamechanger) Pictures: (My map is a little too tall and awkward to get any good pics of the basic layout) Middle Bunker Middle Bunker(Opposite View) Back Right Side of Map(Yellow Side) Bottom Floor Middle Middle tunnel (Leads to back of map) Middle tunnel (Opposite View) Back of Map Back of Map (Opposite View) Right side back of map Left side room Sniping Tower Usually varying height levels do not work well on small maps, but my map has many easy ways to get up to the Middle Bunker: There are a series of ramps on the inside, ramps on the outside, and a platform that can be jumped on from either side of the back of the map. There are also two ways to get up to the Sniper Platforms: You can get up by jumping off a tilted door to the roof of a corridor on either side of the map and the up to the Platform or you can jump from the Middle Bunker. Also the Energy Pillars provide good cover when heading towards the back of the map. Enjoy Download Link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details (PS: If you are going to post a negative comment or constructive criticism could please you state whether or not you actually played my map. Thank You)
Wow, I'm actually very impressed. The aesthetics here are smooth and amazing which will in the long run, improve gameplay. The structures of the maps are very interesting, and it looks like this will be fun because you can jump around making for some interesting gameplay. Overall, I find this incredible, and in my opinion feature worthy. 5/5, and a dl- and I rarely download foundry maps O.O
wow i really like this, i havnt downloaded a foundry map for a while and i think im pretty sure that im going to. i like the middle bunker alot, great design and Hll stop. The design is awsome in point of view from the pictures and i its seems that the gameplay would be awsome. you made some good merging also, ujst great job with the map, i seriously cant think of anything taht could be changed, except the "right side back of map" or picture #9 were there seems to be a small bump were two boxes arnt merged, but i say, who cares, you did an amazing job in this map, and those are just my feelings
There's really not much to say other than wow, you did a really awesome job on this map. Like the other comments say, I too have not DL'd a foundry map in a long time due to the release of sandbox and the awesome maps coming up from there... but this map is really well done and better than most of the sandbox maps I've seen. I really like the structures, think gameplay will be awesome, and agree that this is feature worthy. Sorry I can't DL right now cuz I've filled up my map storage, and I am grounded so I can't get on and delete some of my crap maps to make room for this master piece... but I'll try and sneak on sometime and make room. 100000/100000, Nice Job!
Wow (seems to be a recurring word here). That map looks excellent for KOTH. Everything is merged near-perfectly and the set up looks great. It is also very original and stands out above all the other well-put-together maps. That's what maps need to be. Great job, you have my DL
Great Foundry Map i think its great that people still use foundry. This map looks really good for any FFA game type, so you should try to get oddball set up on it. Nice work 5/5. Oh and wow.
WOW!!!!! lol. This is a really good map. Looks like you spent a lot of effort into making this as i can see by the beautiful aesthetics and very well made structures. I really like the center structure, looks great.