Effects are too blurry, the needler is really contrasting against the rest of the sig and there is too much text in different places.
I think the needler is great, I would have made it a stronger contrast as a cool feature. I think you should have mixed the font with something like a grunge brush so it would look more "hand made" rather than a cool grunge font you downloaded. good stuff though.
Why on Eayn is a Recon using a guided munitions launcher?! He does not deserve an armor representing honor.
Hmmm... Not feeling it. The effect is mediocre at best and it is well placed but not relevant. The render doesn't blend and you seem to just have a picture as a BG... Some more effects, smaller size and more blending would drastically improve it. If you want the needlers contrast to be a strong point you need to slightly desaturate everything except it.