I'm trying to forge on the outer part of the mid-level, and i want to make those towers stop shooting at me. I know it can be done because I've played multiple infection games where the towers wouldn't shoot you down the second you stepped past the boundary line. I know the trip mine trick, but i was wondering how this rule could be effected in a custom game. Like when your in a custom game, the towers STILL dont shoot you, even after you've started the game. Now i dont want to do this to get the skull...i already have the skull. I wanna be able to build using the entire map, with out those towers ripping me a new one. If you can show me how you do it, that would be awesome too. my gamertag is Jorgy411
Okay, first off you do use the trip mine trick. Use the trip mine until the map overloads. Go to one of the towers with a partner. Your partner gets on a turret. You push them up towards the light to get through the elastic barrier. Your partner gets off the turret. Partner spawns a Wall Corner and covers the light. You save and quit. And repeat the following steps until you block off all the towers. Or you can just find a canvas map that already has the towers blocked off.
A senior member will probly provide a link soon. But what you do is glitch yourself out of the map using teleporters. You half to make a little bunker when you do this so you can force the teleporter through the outter barrier while the towers are shooting at you. Ounce you do that u have to successfully save and quite a wall huge or something like that over the tower's gun so it shoots that instead of you. Its a hard process but i bet somebody will give u a link to a map where this is allready done. I would but i dont have one or know where to get one Edit: or you can do what ^ that guy says
Whats to stop you from linking it? Non-Senior members hsould get involved more and not just leave it up to others. Here