I am completely new to Conquest maps, and am still not 100% sure on all the of specifications. I have decided to make one, and have done a quick ms paint sketch up. I know it sucks http://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv355/brad2222/Conquest.jpg Would this map work out for a game of conquest? Id like some suggestions or advice
What do the arrows represent? The way the red team walks? The angle of the walkways up or down? It also depends on how big you're thinking of having it.
If the arrows me elevation, it may not work because of one team having a height advantage. Can you elaborate?
Yes, sorry. The arrows just represent the direction of the offensive team. I just decided to put the arrows, theres no actual reason theyre there haha.. The lines represent the territories that I want to put there And do you have a size recommendation? I dont know how big each territory should be for the best gameplay
I understand a bit more now. Well, I the design is good, but it lacks something. It seems very simple. What will set this Conquest map out from the others. I actually think that the layout you have presented would play well with a few changes, but like I said. It lacks "zest". The next thing I have to talk about is the lines or the territory marks. The idea of conquest is a tug of war type gameplay. For this you would a central territory. In order to accomplish this tug of war style gameplay, you need to have an odd number amount of territories. As of now, you have 4. I would suggest having 5, which is a common number in Conquest maps. Well, where should these territory markers be? Well the first one should be a little closer to the blue and red sides. You should begin in them. The second territories should be a bit farther than where you have the first ones placed. Also, you should in crease the angle of the bend so that you could not see from one territory to another. Now you should have 4 set up. The 5th would obviously be in the center. Hope that this helps you. Good luck!
He does have 5. Ok, so a few things: First make sure that each territory takes 3-5 seconds to walk through, make sure the middle territory is big enough (in your picture it is tiny and would could easily skip it and go too #2. Next, put all power weapons near each teams first territories, then you are set. Good Luck
I don't know what you mean by acceptable, because you can make your map however you want as long as the paths are symmetrical and the everything is even. It might actually be a good idea so that the teams spawn won't get that spawn camped, but it also might make the opposing team halt and be afraid to continue on in fear of losing what they already have. I would say make the center territory larger and everything you want from then on should be okay. EDIT: If you have any further questions just make sure you check up on the Book of Conquest and if you still are a bit confused come back to this thread.
in you piture your territories arent squares or circles which are the nly option, keep the general shape of the map but make sure territories are squares and arent overlapping.
I like your sketch-up, but try having both teams spawn in the same place, but one is on the bottom level, and one is on the top, and there is a winding stairway set in between them. If that didn't make sense... Or some variation like this ^ A giant pillar that "supports" the staircase would prevent the blue team from dropping grenades or shooting down, or vice versa. The mid level should be flat, and weapons should be placed strategically and symmetrically. Power weapon/equipment in the mid level.
You have a few problems, one: I would love to be Blue team, always fighting down and being able to traverse the map faster (you walk faster down than up). Also power weapons should NOT be in the middle, this pretty much rigs one team and seeing as how blue would get to the center faster, they would have yet another advantage.
This is a very nice layout for a conquest map, I am glad that the arrows to not have to do with any type of elevation. This map should play good as long as you add your own taste to it along with good forging and originality. I would definitely like to see how this map turns out.