Sandbox Kryptinite

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Lucky Spazz, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Lucky Spazz

    Lucky Spazz Ancient
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    this is my first post on forgehub so if there are any mistakes please go easy.

    Kyriptinite is heavily baised on the halo 2 DLC map desolation. it is not an exact coppy. there is no mancannons or rocket spawn. my insparation came from a remake of foundation. it is an excelent FFA map and Team slay. Thank you to black rose 200, Z man, Big Elf wood, Repent, Thats Mr. Noob, and others who i dont care about for testing this map.

    Team Slay

    BR 4
    Brute shot 2
    SMG 4
    spiker 4
    snipe 1
    shoty 1
    Plasma Nade 4
    Frag nade 4

    Screenshot time

    map center

    Red base

    Blue base

    Room 1 of 4

    Action 1

    Action 2

    Action 3

    There it is Hope you enjoy the map and hope that my first post is satisfactory. : Halo 3 File Details
  2. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    Post look absolutely fine if you ask me,

    and for the map, great looking, nice interlocking and it seems like good gameplay,
    my only concerns are about the escaping of the map, I thinks it is pretty easy to escape from the first looks.

    And for further posts, try to add more screenshots, helps better reviews

  3. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    this looks really cool nice glowing lighing love how the lines stick out a lot with in the first picture, dont really understand the lay out of it but thats not a big deal.
  4. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Hello Lucky Spazz, and Welcome to Foreghub. I see you got the pics down. U probably have been here for a while and no the rules and stuff, so i wont go into detail. Hope u like it here.

    Now the Map.
    For your first map, i give a 4/5. I looks like a fun ffa or slayer map to play on and kinda reminds me of foundation or desolation like u said. But as I look at it i see stuff that you can improve, like those obelisks at the bases... (shudder). I despise lazyness. Not saying your lazy, the map looks good. NOt sure how other gametypes will do, gonna dl and check. But good first post. Keep forgin'!

  5. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Okay, I really don't like the filter, but I like everything else I see so far. It has that classic Halo feel, and I think it will play very well for Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, and maybe more game types.

    At first, it reminded me of Foundation, but then I looked at the other pics, and I could notice hints of Warlock, Dereliction, and Midship.

    I'm definitely downloading this to see how well it plays with some friends. I'll come back and give my initial thoughts.
  6. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    It looks very close to Desolation, which was not my favorite map (actually it was one of the bottom maps of my tops, but w/e) but you did a very nice job on the remake. The only thing that I would change if I were you is the filter. Personally I think when a mapmaker puts a filter on it takes away from the gameplay and it equals me not downloading. Don't get me wrong it looks pretty sweet but I'm not going to waste my 5 spots of custom content on something with a filter on it. Sorry if I'm to picky, but that's just me. I'll give it a 7/10 (8/10 if there was no filter).
  7. Regis Drakontis

    Regis Drakontis Ancient
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    you know my friend told me once that my maps were juicy as a steak, and i didnt understand what that meant till I saw your map. i'd give it a 7 out of 5. Well done good sir.
  8. NovaStar117

    NovaStar117 Ancient
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    Firstly, welcome to Forgehub hope you contribute alot! The map actually reminds me alot of Assembly, is that where you got the inspiration? Looks like in some parts you can get out but I think thats just me. I hope to see more of you maps. Great map overall 4/5.
    #8 NovaStar117, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  9. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I've downloaded, its quite good, especially for FFA, but there are some parts that could be better, for exemple, the ramps arent in the same level of the blocks and there are a few bumps.
    Also, the filter sucks, I really dont like it, at least you didnt hide it like the others do...

    Now, there is a problem, one T wall isnt spawning at the beginning. Its one on your right after you spawn (on forge).

    Anyway, i loved the layout , great map, keep forging!

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