
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by c u l8er, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. c u l8er

    c u l8er Ancient
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    ..:::Mongoose race track "Submerged" on High Ground:::..
    Wow here it is the map that all my friends wanted me to make a race track on. Submerged on High Ground. every one spawns by the beach next to 2 portals 1 portal leads the the (submerged) mongeese and the other portal leads to the gate button witch needs to be pushed in order to play this map. after you push the button and see the gate open look to you right and walk threw that portal this will send you to the (submerged) mongeese spawn.

    Now your wondering wtf submerged mongeese! Yes, SUBMERGED mongeese! when you get to them you will see gray colors and only able to see for about 20 feet in front of you. Its ok just get in the mongoose and drive strait, you will then find out that you are (submerged) in the water! keep driveing strait and go with the flow of the barriers. You will then enter the bunker, from here you have 2 options go strait take a right or just take a right both take the same amount of time. Next is exiting the building, you will see a grave lift right after you exit, this shoots you left towards the gates. go threw the gates around the missile launcher and into the warehouse with is were the finish is. From here just folow the barriers threw the gate and back to the sniper spawn you will notice an awesome combination of gravlifts tossing you around. After reaching sniper spawn take a right tern and your on your second lap. i hope every one that downloads has as much fun on this map as i have had, thank you for reading :)

    So now your asking ok so you gata sweet map now were is the game type? well the gametype has you spawning at the mongoose's, includes no killing, its a VIP gametype so each person in the game needs to be on his own team, because every time you pass the finish line it gives the VIP a point and not the regular guy. also i would like to thank some of my beta testers names are, caos_rules47, bloody_husky, alphasnail420, redsoxcody, pifman, DJMuMu, Fr35h_pAnTz, Mr_Frodo24, BioPea, adeformedWEINER, waikepea808, Tactical_bean.


    Please, if you are going to rate this leave a post below describing why you rated what you rated. If I can get a bunch of comments it will make future maps of mine better and better. Thank You!

    Map location:

  2. loco

    loco Ancient
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    Probably the best high ground map ever!!
  3. PRElyk

    PRElyk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude this looks sweet, downloading now

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