So basically it's a little too empty right now. Not enough cover. But I also want it to be for some good BR duels. Thats the reason is has sight to the other side. I need help with ideas on how to provide effective cover especially at the respawn point in the last picture on both sides. Basically this is what I've got so far. Comments please. *also if possible, I'd love someone to help me finish it off in-game. Left Side (same as right side)
Im sorry, but are you tired or something because you obviously cannot see. There are multiple crooked walls and little interlocking at best. My suggestion would be straigten out those walls using boxes, interlock anything that currently isnt, then use some barriers but stand them up so they act as pillars. Not alot of them, though.
I actually used a **** load of interlocking.. so I don't know what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure everything is interlocked except the fence walls and the dumpsters. I think you're tired. But I do like the pillars idea.. but think they look kinda tacky. I'll try it out.
Shoot...I wish I could forge that good. Like others said nice use of interlocking. I think your in pretty good shape overall. Im not a good forger or anythig so idk how you could improve. I think it looks really good bt that is prob because I suck.
Ok well can I suggest some things? The level seems very open, and it looks almost empty. Add scenery and barrels and barriers on the ground additional to the pillars. MLG maps are generally battle rifle, so give them range, with some cover.
You need more cover, but you also need to split off different areas. Try to create choke points, but not too many. You want to create a fair fight, where the players know where they're enemies are. This takes out isssues like unfair spawns etc. Also some of the walls are a little untidy, try to keep it as smooth as possible. MLG maps tend to be the simplest and tidiest maps around.
I try laying out some cover. But to tell you the truth... it turned out bad. It's hard for me for some reason. I need some in game help. PLEASE
Wow this map look fantastic! Please tell us what you will name it when it's done, because I REALLY want to play this.
it looks nice, i will check it out and comeback if i have any ideas, but you seem to have ALOT of dumpsters
Looks good and I looked at the map closely for a few minutes and the interlocking is perfect!! so wtf them Aholes on about? anyway, I usually juse put a couple of small crates with a radio antenna and radio boxes on it or a crate with a pallet resting vertically against it. Looks great so far though. Hope all goes well ;D