ASTHETIC CHAOS A different game every time MAP: : Halo 3 File Details GAMETYPE: : Halo 3 File Details I'd best explain it along with pictures... Blue Base [/URL] Red Base [/URL] Overview [/URL] Overview after Chaos [/URL] Now after that your probobly wondering "What the Hell was that?" We'll ill explain. Asthetic Chaos is abut Two (count 'em two) Astheticly pleasing bases plunged into Chaos. Thus the name came out to be "Asthetic Chaos" [/URL] Everyone starts off with random weapons to increase the calamity [/URL] And after abut 10 seconds broken vehicles fall from the Heavens. These vehicles provide a Random layout of cover every time. Oh, and they do fall over and over again, So this may happen: [/URL] --------------------------------------------- Have fun -KING
Oh, wow. I could tell you used that one user's Well. Anyway, I guess it seems like it could be a fun mini-game map. Much like my Propane Hill map on Last Resort lol. I'll give this a download just because I'm having a Halo LAN soon, and my friends like crazy mini-games.
I like the randomness of the "cover" that you have implemented and I also like the idea how it is fully playable. But is there other weapons available on the map? Grenades? What gametypes are supported? I would think that someone who starts out with a sniper has a high advantage, especially at the beginning since both of the bases do not seem to provide any initial cover.
Used I actually used the Well from someone else. I think Well of Hope or something. And no, No weapons on map. And the random weapons are suppsed to add to chaos. So really it is fair because everyone has an equal chance t get the sniper...
Beautiful concept for a map! I like how the layout changes as the map goes. Perfect idea for the next Cinco de Mayo playlist! 10/10