Sorry to be using space but, can I use this in a map... You can have all the credit of thte astetic feature.
I dont think asthetic maps need a V2. I like the idea you used for tin cups upside down =) this looks decent, I hope you make some more asthetics in the future.
Wow! This map has great aesthetics! I love the fact that the fountain is surrounded by grass, it makes it look kind of mystical. Was the effect that the blue base light gives off on the grass intentional? I was also wondering, Is the hole down to the crypt in the center of the fountain?
yo can i use this design and base a map around it (i will place your name in the description if you like) i just looked at it and saw a perfect idea for a slayer map so post again if you want me to add more to it.
yeah go ahead and build man. it seems no one actually likes the map but just wants to use the idea lol
cool map, you should add some lighting effects (gloomy/juicy?) and more scenery and it'd be a cool little area to make machinima in or some SS's.
It looks like a very nice aesthetic piece, I'd love to these used as flag capture points like Nemihara said.
It is a very nice piece, but I'm sure you could build a level around it. Make it look like a place of ruins or something. That would be very nice.
Overall really interesting and impressively done map. Obviously there is a lot to expand on in the area around it. If all other ideas come out as good as this one I could see this becoming a truly amazing map. Can't wait to see what other maps you turn out.
I really like it, its simple and not over the top like most. And I don't know why but this looks... right? I mean as in it looks like what it is, the stone blocks don't take away from like it would with a space ship or scarab.
Stop spamming Sarge. xD This look really nice. Nice touch on the blue light and the golf grass. This would make a good centerpiece for a map. And, what do you mean we'll be rewarded if we throw a coin in? *Starts to think of cookies*
that is an amazing idea.... i pewrsonally think it does look like water.... if you look closely you can see ripples.... when i first saw this i thought it was modded!
This is one of my favorite maps so far! It is very neat and the interlocking is near perfect. keep up the good work! 5/5