Have you ever wondered: Do I play halo waaay too much? Well, if any of the following apply to you, then...well...you do. 10. You attempt to stick your cab driver every day. 9. You actually end up sticking your cab driver one time and get arrested. 8. You wait for the "Hold RB to enter" when you walk up to your SUV. 7. You constantly check the ammunition counter on your briefcase. 6. Whenever you see the black screen on your tv between commercials, you complain that someone is lagging. 5. You attempt to interlock your Legos. 4. You attempt to assassinate your boss. 3. You have a radar jammer in your pocket right now. 2. You cause problems with the local golf course because you attempt to steal their flags. 1. Whenever you go outside, you constantly run in zig-zag to avoid sniper fire. Hope you like! Add any more if you want.
roflcopter (my word of the day) yeah, i cant think of any of those right now... the best one was the one w/ the flags... ROFLCOPTER!
you know you play too much halo when you use your car to block entrances to buildings (fromm youtube) when you feel a need to teabag anyone who is lying down
You wake up crying in a cold empty flat everyday. You try to stand-by work. You try to crouch-walk out of detention. You try to mute your friends.
i have a few... 11.You hold RB to dual wield forks at dinner 12.You walk down the street pointing out places to bounce frags off of 13. You are constantly looking for cover 14.You sit on your couch waiting for the TV Remote to respawn 15.At work/school you scream OWNED when you do good on a test or something 16.You hear the respawn beeping noise when you sleep(This applies to me!) I will come up with more later.
Lulz. I have more too: 17. If someone kills you in real life, you respawn. 18. Raping someone has a different meaning to you then the regular people around you. 19. You constantly roam around your house looking for secret ways people can get inside and you defend them. 20. Wearing a sword on your back is normal. 21. When someone asks what your favorite game is and you say Grifball. 22. You call your kids newbs because you pwned them in Slayer- not mine, yet a little funny. 23. Every time you swear, people hear -blam!- 24. The amount of games you've played is larger than your Social Secruity Number. 25. You think you'll superjump when you hold the right buttons down as you jump off a building. EDIT: just thought of another one: 26. You sign up for Camp Froman in the summer.
27.you try to explore different areas of africa for The Ark portal 28.your always trying to get out of the "map"(house) 29.you go to a power plant and ask where Foundry is 30.your always looking for a stand to put Cortana onto 31.you have a replica Masterchief statue(life sized) 32.your wife divorced you because you were hitting on girls on Halo
I'm glad this is catching on so quick. More: 33. You have a remake of Lockout in your backyard for "training." 34. You have an Elite's skull mounted over your fireplace. 35. You've posted in this forum 36. You think a Grunt is a type of bird because you see them flying across the room so much. 37. When you hear Flood Warning on the news you freak out and kill yourself. 38. Or, you kill the Gravemind with your Elite buddy and save the universe from penultimate annhilation in nine levels.
hahahaahahaha im playing with skittlemaster in forge right now!!! 34. When you paint tennis balls blue and throw them at people 35. when you press right trigger whenever you see your arch enemy
39. When you press D pad up you expect to turn into a monitor 40. When you are in an empty room you try to spawn a wall. 41. You light a tennis ball on fire and yell *Fire in the Hole!* 42. When you come home you expect zombies around every corner. 43. You try to turn on low gravity all the time. 44. You think your dog is a grunt.
45. you shoot imaginary br's at the ppl around you 46. you count the respawn on wepons when you pick them up both of these equal me
They had a great thread of these over on MLG, but I can't find it. A few I remember: 47. You wake up next to a naked ugly chick and yell, "What kind of spawn was that!" 48. Your teacher starts handing out pop quizzes and you yell, "Veto, Veto!" 49. You are playing a sport and whenever you score you say "Gained the lead, Lost the lead." 50. You see a pregnant lady with a shotgun to her stomach, and ask what she is doing. And, she says, "Shhhh, I'm spawn camping." I will add if I think of more or if I find the thread.
51. You think every fly is a drone. 52. You charge into school with bomb and ask " Where is the bomb planting zone!' 53. You have all halo on your ipod. 54. You made your own master chief suit and are now running around town with an assault rifle. 55. You bought the new map pack.