As everyone else has said previous to me, the map looks great. I only had a few little things i didn't particularly like such as the map its self was a bit small but there really is no fix to that becuase theres not that many grass cups ;]. There wasnt really any issues that i had there was sometimes some funky spawning when the other team reached the final territory and the other team spawned at the other base but that was rare. Overall the map plays right and is fun . Good work. :]
it looks like a map that would have a lot of very intence battles with the right ammount of people!also looks good to!
This map was very good when it came to testing, on a Gameplay:Aesthetics ratio, it's a 1:1, the fun, action packed gameplay, was just as good as the aesthetic value of the map. This is probably my favourite conquest map to date, and I love how the aesthetics don't spoil the gameplay, and give the map the sense of a gold mine, I understand why others can't get their head around a grass floor, but I think personally it adds to the feel of the map. Gameplaywise, this map is among the best conquest maps ever.
I got to play a game of this yesterday. The size of the map was what hurt gameplay the most. I played a 4v4 on it and it was just too small. I felt cramped the whole game because I couldn't move around as freely as I would like to. Also, the weapons were either too numerous, or too overpowering. Every clash for the middle territory consisted of a giant explosion with a bit of plasma thrown in. It was way to chaotic to be able to make any sort of progress. While aesthetically, this map far surpasses most I have seen so far, gameplay really lacked, mostly, I think, because of the small nature of the map. Keep on forging!
I would just like to say this is amazing! My favourite conquest map ever. The asthetics look absolutely amazing, I also like how its curvy. Some people have been saying "Why is there grass in a gold mine???" who cares? It looks amazingley smooth. IT actually looks liek a gold mine to. I'll have afew games on this if you invite me: T4K Shadow, remember me? I played a few conquest maps with you in TGIF, I liked that ghost town one.
Hahaha that's exactly the first thing I thought when I saw that. I was totally going to say something. Absolutely beautiful. I love everything about this map. The layout is so simple yet new and unique, and perfect for the game type. Not to mention elegant. I really like the use of texture. That's what fascinates me the most. The grass floor is nice, the intermittent wood in the roof is nicer still, but the gold nuggets in the wall are over-the-top awesometacular. Not to mention... they make the map look crazy from the outside. Great, great job.
Why thank you Predicide! I'm glad you appreciate the attention to detail! Its good to hear such praise from someone as meticulous as yourself ^.^ Attention everyone: The frag grenade respawn time has been increased to 30 seconds. I have updated the download link. Gold Rush has also been added to XF's Conquest Featured Library
Ah, I must download the newer version then. Good job getting this into XForgery's Conquest Featured Library, Gunnergrunt!
I've played a couple of game on here and I'm sorry, but the gameplay doesn't live up to the aesthetics. I really like how you have low ceilings because that is a really good idea and it keep to the "full brute force" that conquest is supposed to give you. The things I'm not to fond of is that how small it is, that you have two brute shots that spawn fairly fast, and the uselessness of the BR. I know there isn't that many tin cups so the path couldn't be any longer without the same theme, but I know that little ingenious mind you have could have made it a room or two bigger because it feel like you don't have any room to gather your weapons and get ready to hold out for the oncoming opponents. The brute shots get a little annoying because it seems people have unlimited ammo, as soon as I walk out of the spawn room I instantly die by the spam of the brute shots. I think you would be able to fix that if there was one in the center like a power weapon or just set the respawn timer a little longer. And the final flaw in my eyes is the uselessness of the BR, the whole path seems to be really close quarters and you don't have even just a little room to take aim with it and in this map I have now chosen the AR over the BR which is rare in my case. Overall I think this is another fun map to play on in conquest, but I wouldn't want to play it more then once in a row. I won't be keeping this on my hard drive, yet I won't be bummed if it comes up in a custom game. I think I feel a new premium being promoted soon.
I appreciate the comments after playing the map, but i don't think you read much of the information in the post. I'll first address the size of the map. This was built for 3v3, and that is why it is so small. It was not an issue of tin cups (i still had 3 left). This is naturally a small conquest map. It'll depend on your playstyle of conquest. The bruteshot is on a 90 second respawn with only 1 spare clip. In all my testing, the kill ratio of bruteshot to other weapons was fairly equal it seemed. Anything lower than that wouldn't give the bruteshot enough emphasis on the map. As I mentioned in the post, the weapons chosen for this map were selected because of their specific and strategic use on the map. The BR it not meant to take the place of and AR, as you mentioned. It is best paired with the frag or used alongside a plasma weilder. The BR is best used for the final headshots, after sheilds have been broken. Its all about the strategy and choosing the best weapon for the job. Same goes for the bruteshot. You recommended i place a power weapon in the center of the map. This comment tells me your level of conquest knowledge (not to be offensive). There should never be a weapon, grenade, or powerup in the middle of the map. Everything should be placed equally on both sides or not at all. This keeps the game balanced and fair. Once again, i appreciate the comment and review, but consider my reply. Hope that clears things up for ya!
Funny thing is, I did play with a party of six, but that's not where I'm coming from when I say it's to small, it feels as if you don't have any time before the other team is at your spawn spamming you with their brute shots and grenades. It doesn't give me the time to strategically plan out what I need to do or be at to succeed onto the next territory which in actually time is only 3 seconds at most. I understand there's different kinds of conquest maps out there, but on most enjoyable ones I have played the map gave a sense of preparation before you were face to face with the opposing team. And after thinking about it you're right about the power weapon comment I made, but I still think the brute shot respawn timer should move to a longer time. But yeah, when I stated the AR/BR comment, I wasn't saying that the BR is supposed to take place of the AR, I was saying that it is in my best interest to just use the AR for the finishing blow instead of using a BR. You also have to think about when the other members of the team come barging in with full shields, I believe the AR will prevail over the BR in more situations of combat in conquest.
Wow I checked this out and it looks and plays amazing. You are now the creator of two of my favorite Conquest maps. I liked the idea of using the columns as gold nuggets but there should be some more. It looks like its been hollowed out already. If you put Juicy on this map looks way better but the floor isnt very green when its on.
Ok, I disagree at first when you say about the BR, I may have been getting lucky, but when I use the BR on this map, I always tend to get a triple kill, or almost get a triple kill. But about the brute shots, they do seem to be a bit overpowering, however I think you should try replacing them with needlers, they may be power weapons on maps such as Socratic Method, but I think because of the close quarters layout, and the fact that the lines of sight aren't particularly long, they wouldn't overpower the map.
Nope thats common with the BR in this map. Its a great clean up weapon. It may seem like you are doing all the work, but its really your teammates that are making it possible to get all those kills. They drain the sheilds, the BR finishes the job. Needlers would be a very poor choice for this map. The layout turns so quickly that you would have a hard time getting enough needlers in anyone to make them explode. So i think i'll just stick with the bruteshots but thanks!
This is a really fun Conquest map, moreso than many others I've played lately. You've given this a really unique feel, and the gameplay is the way Conquest should be. There's a great "oh ****" moment when you see a whole team coming at you down those narrow hallways. I highly recommend this for anyone who likes to play some good Conquest games. Nicely done, sir. P.S. - I love how this seems like a Hobbit hole to me. Totally awesome.
Lol, squidhands! It does look like Bag End! I've never noticed that before... I agree with you about the "oh ****" moment with the gameplay on this map. I don't remember if you were in our party last night when we were testing the XForgery Conquest Submissions, but there was more than one time that I would find myself trying to take on the entire other team solo. I must say once more Gunnergrunt, this map is both an aesthetic masterpiece and a great map to play on. Both this and "Of the Essence" deserve to be featured. Like, right now...
Gunner i love you. you are the best defender of your map that i have ever seen. you put the people down so quick and effortless that they run away with there tails between there legs. i already know that this map right here is going to be my biggest challenge for the xforgery forge off, and to that i congrats you on making a great map. p.s. the updates i'm doing to my map might put mine over yours lol.
Haha! You're totally right squidhands, it does look like a hobby hole. But hobbits are a peaceful folk, i don't think they would enjoy conquest! I've heard many people say that they enjoy the final moments of the game, fighting for that final territory. And there are plenty of those "oh shoot" moments! I don't blame ya... Well i'm sure glad you can't update the map till the contest is over because then it would be a pretty tight vote. But as it is right now, Gold Rush is gonna destroy Artifacts! Haha okay only smack talk there, but its gonna be a really close vote. I'm glad you see this map as competition! Thanks for the support Pel!
I love this map we played it and with 5v5 it is difficult to live for atleast 12 seconds. Grunner Grunt-Best Conquest Forger!!!!