Sandbox Outlawed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Decadence Night, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I know this is a touchy thing to say, but I'll say it anyway, THIS IS THE BEST HANG 'EM HIGH REMAKE EVER MADE. I've looked at all the other remakes I could find. Some were decent, others were terrible. You must think that I'm an incredible egomanical douche right now, but take a look anyway.

    This map was previously known as "High Noon." I changed the name so that I wouldn't have to deal with copyright issues. (just in case you live under a rock, "High Noon" is a movie.)

    The only thing that the map lacks is the trench that runs down the middle. The only way to do this would have been to line the floor with huge blocks and subtract the area of the trench, but there aren't nearly enough objects at your disposal to do that. It's unfortunate, but the map is truly a faithful remake, nonetheless.

    Download the map here.

    Thank you very much.
















    #1 Decadence Night, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
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    look good and this is the best tombstone remake ive seen, but i didnt see the part with the overshield, it had an indent in the ground that went to the OS. i think that u should make a v2 of the mp an fix that problem, itll be hard to do though because youll probably have to reconstruct ur map.
  3. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Wow. Amazing. 4.5/5, for how accurately the map matches the origional (in the pics). The lack of the trench is what lost you the .5.
    I think you should place more barriers in the middle to give people a little bit of cover, as now it looks too blank there; hard to tell without playing it with a large group of people though.

    Downloading now. Great job with the map.

    How long did this take you?
  4. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    You did an amazing job. I bet if you had a larger space to work with, you could've made all the pillars and the center trench too. This looks like one of the best re-makes i've seen yet. Hopefully it plays just as well! Good-job
  5. MavRen Ra

    MavRen Ra Ancient
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    If I understood anyone right 'Outlawed' is a 'Hang 'em High' remake, not a 'Tombstone' remake. Though I wonder, if a 'Tombstone' remake could be made out of 'Outlawed' (just adding an OS drop down/Top jump up and adding the mancannon).
    Nevertheless, this map is the best remake of 'Hang 'em High' I have seen so far, most accurate walkways (that was actually something I missed in other remakes of 'Hang 'em High'). Great job, and btw I think it's normal to be proud of this! ;)
  6. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    thanks very much, and yes, this is a Hang 'em High remake, not Tombstone. I've never even played Tombstone, so when you say "indent on the ground" i have no idea what you're talking about. and I would love to put in more cover on the ground, but I don't have any more objects.
  7. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    this is a great tombstone re-make oand its very detailed. Like everyone else its the trench thats the problem. mabey if you moved the whole map up by the height of a huge block then that'll solve the problem of the trench. 4/5
  8. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    thanks very much, and yes, this is a Hang 'em High remake, not Tombstone. I've never even played Tombstone, so when you say "indent on the ground" i have no idea what you're talking about. and I would love to put in more cover on the ground, but I don't have any more objects.

    about 2 weeks for my first attempt. and a month for the second one that you see now. no joke.

    not enough objects. trust me, i wish it could be done, but it can't
    #8 Decadence Night, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2009
  9. 2uix

    2uix Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure it's impossible to build a map that is true to HeH's size while including the trench. There just aren't enough objects.

    This being said, it might be interesting for someone to build a HeH-inspired map that involves the trench and other themes of HeH, while downscaling the entire project to fit within the objects and budget limits.

    As for this map, it looks very promising. It's appearance is far more accurate to the original HeH than any remakes I've seen. As always, it has a few bumps here and there (shotgun huts in particular), but very good job.

    It might be worth pointing out that the small tower is usually considered the "offense" base (Tombstone asymmetrical games), and "offense" bases are always blue, while "defender" bases are red. This is a purely asthetic suggestion, and I understand you've never seen Tombstone before, but you might want to change that, seeing as it has become convention.
  10. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    i do think this is a great remake of hang 'em high, but i'm only saying that from the pics. i only played halo: ce a few times, and never actually played on hang 'em high.

    even though i think this is a great remake, a lot of the proportions are off. just looking at the pics can show some drastic changes [at least for a so-called 'best remake'.] i have seen one or two other hang 'em high remakes, and this is the best, so far.
  11. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    the proportions have to be changed for 2 reasons. 1, the crypt is much smaller than the area of HEH. I estimate about 1/4 smaller. 2, in Halo 3, you can jump much farther and much higher than in Halo CE. For instnace, it's extremely important that you can jump from the walkway and from the OS platform to the sniper tower, but not back same way. basically, in order to keep the jumps accurate, some things had to be scaled up (the top of blue base), and some things had to be scaled down (the sniper tower). this is of course, in favor of gameplay over aethetics.

    I was considering switching the colors for that reason, but I wanted keep them accurate to the original. this isn't a tombstone remake, after all.

    but I do understand what you're saying, and surprisingly, red base actually works really well as a defenders base. I can't really explain it, but it works.
    #11 Decadence Night, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2009

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