Sandbox Z-Fighting

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Teaco27, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    I was forging on sandbox today, and i made a few interlocks. they looked fine, no z fighting, and then i saved and
    quit. When I returned I found that there was really bad z-fighting. My questions are:

    1) Has anyone else had this problem after save and quit

    2) Does anyone know how to stop this from happening

    3) Why does this happen

    Thanks in advance for you help.
  2. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Just try moving the objects around a tad bit to make it stop.
  3. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    This doesn't apply directly to your problem at hand, but on Foundry I learned a little system to knock out z-fighting when it did occur.

    Brace the item. That way you can grab it and it won't move from that specific place.
    Grab the item, against the braces.
    If the flicker is still there, switch to the other object and repeat until its over.
    Sometimes you may need to delete one or two or however many items in the sequence in order to get rid of it.
  4. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Bungie explained this problem in a recent weekly update. there's a problem with the save and quit making things slightly readjust, this deals with positioning and angling, and one being overridden in importance above the other for memory save issues.

    1) It happens to everyone.

    2) You can't. Learn to live with it.

    3) As stated above.

    That's the main reason that it occurs, however you can work around Z-fighting or temporarily repair it, the problem can easily arise again in the future.
  5. Matrix React

    Matrix React Ancient
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    I've been having this problem and looking every where for an answer to fix it. My problem is specifically with the Double Blocks. I've found (so far) that it doesn't happen if the interlock is done with both Double Blocks having the hieroglyphics facing upwards. I have not noticed it with any other items so far.
    #5 Matrix React, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    the way to not get it is by slightly interlocking the edges of whatever you want to. If you interlock too much of the say box together with another, then it will z fight, but if you just do the edges it should be fine.
  7. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    What Objects

    What objects are you having a hard time with? Some objects can be worse than others especially if you lay them on their side. Below is from a thread I started on the same topic:

    I am trying to find out if anyone has had success using their alternating direction suggestion to fix this problem. I have been trying this for a while now and I can't get them to stay smooth using this method. If anyone has a technique that can salvage my map, please let me know. If I am just wasting my time and there is no way to make a smooth wall floor, let me know, too.

    Link to Thread

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