The main question is, should schools stop animal dissection; like frogs? I think so because.. do you really, absolutey think that the animals have a choice of what they want to happen to their bodies after Animals should have their bodies decomposed by natural means, not man. But another way you could think about it is that the Bible does say that men are controllers of beast and that dissection could be a good learning experience. What do you as an individual think?
What has this got to do with the Bible? Anyway, if the animal is already dead go for it; but if they're killing animals just for that, then you have a problem.
What if the animals were only bred for that purpose in the first place? Its like vegetarians saying its wrong to kill just so you can eat... well if I didn't want to eat the cow nobody would have raised the cow in the first place now would they? The thing literally would not exist had we not intended to kill it.
I don't see what the problem is with dissecting them, most of them are bred exactly for that purpose, being dissected.
Is it just me, or does it seem like people out there try to preserve animals more than humans? (Or at least they try too hard to preserve animals). Animals don't have any rights. Thats like saying oxygen has rights, so stop breathing.
I also agree with this, all the major problems of the human race should be fixed before going on to animals and whatnot. I don't see how you can petition for this and support this more than solving epidemics in third world countries, or other big problems. Animals should not come first.
If you work in a lab. You know, virtual dissection isn't nearly as (ugh, how do I say it) helpful as dissecting something and really seeing it. Plus, high school students don't have tons of computers in the science room, at least where I live.
Animals don't have sentience, so it doesn't really matter. Also, most animals are bred for a specific purpose, either through selective breeding or some other method.
How could you guys be so ignorant? This is why our world is dieing, because you don't care for the environment around you, those frogs are living organisms too, how would you like being dissected!? I joke, I hope to dissect a real frog in science class, virtual isn't near as exciting, and you learn a lot better from the real life experience.
Good thing you were joking. I was about to say.. "dissecting real frogs benefits biologists who can save many resources" blah blah blah.
How the hell can you use the bible to argue for animals' rights when thousands of people worldwide are killed every day over their religion? Jesus Christ, get some sense.
The bible also says you should stone people who make fun of bald men on Sundays and that slaving is alright: you really should not take every thing the Bible says literally. Spoiler from the game star control 3 Spoiler Hehe reminds me of the precursors in star control 3 who go in and out of sentience and who get eaten while they're non-sentient XD. Anywho onto the topic, I do think that dissecting frogs and other animals is okay (as long as they're not endangered and it does have too huge an impact on the environment) since it really contributes to something much more important than mere non sentient and common life. I still think that animals should be treated as humanly as possible they may not be sentient but they can still feel pain. (most of them anyway)
You're a nutter. Don't mention the Bible when talking about science. Not everyone believes in your stupid book. According to some people, like me, I think we're all a bunch of fleshy meatsacks. Doesnt matter what happens to our body after we die, because we're dead. Dead is dead, you wouldn't care because you're dead. Plus, they're ANIMALS. I doubt they care, or even know, about this stuff. And don't go on about how animals are more aware than we think they are. I know that, I have a brilliant cat who I can practically communicate with. But I doubt he really thinks about his own mortality. I doubt he cares. I don't think animals let stupid things like religion get in thier way of enjoying existance. I can only think of one animal on this earth stupid enough to do something crazy like THAT.
Frogs I don't see how anyone can claim that we are sentient and animals are not. We are animals and we were once a lot closer to them in terms of intelligence and self awareness. Sentience is a relative term and is found in varying levels throughout the animal kingdom. All life should be treated with respect and more importantly empathy. We had no choice in being born as humans. We could've just as easily been born as a lab rat. We should not separate ourselves so entirely from the rest of the animal life on Earth. Religion is great at doing just that. The whole concept of the soul(we've got 'em they don't mentality) is just as self centered as the belief we carried for a long time, that the Earth was at the center of the universe. I do feel like dissections should be allowed, and are vital to scientific understanding for potential medical students. I subscribe to the reasoning that has already been brought up. The animal would not be in existence at all if we didn't breed it for that purpose. We, essentially gave the animal life where there would have been none. The important thing to focus on is the quality of life and the method by which they are put to death. In the case of frogs for dissection, chloroform is a humane way of ending the animals life without trauma and pain. The same can not be said for all slaughter houses and medical testing labs, but that might be a different debate. As far as dissecting animals, I feel like it should be allowed, but not because we are superior humans and animals don't matter.
I agree with you on the first point, but saying animals have no rights is a little off. I believe that methods should be taken to alleviate the suffering of death, which I agree with PETA on. However, I hate PETA, because everything they do is extreme in one manner or another; their campaigns are often very warped too. I don't think that animals have the same 'rights' as humans, but they are conscious being who's welfare we should at least have some concern for. Damn, though, I love steak too much, so no vegetarianism for me. I pretty much agreed with the above user, but saying they have no sentience is complete bullshit. I don't know what you are specifically talking about, but I can only assume one of two; either the Christian's 'immortal' soul, or intelligence. For the first one, I don't give a ****. If you say animals have no soul, that's your own ****ing malfunction. I'm an atheist, so I believe in this life and only this life. Animals have emotions and can experience pain, so if that isn't a soul, I don't know what is. Go pet a cat. Then intelligence: Animals are intelligent, that's all I can say. No, it doesn't quite compare to the higher intelligence of humans, but animals have the ability to comprehend as well, so I can't understand how someone in this day and age can believe that animals are not sentient. Finally, the original topic: Of course dissection should be allowed. In order for science to progress, students researching specific scientific fields must be able to understand anatomy. Dissections should be in public education classrooms, too. (6 - 12) It might just inspire a student towards a certain occupation. If you don't want to cut up a frog or dissect a pig's fetus, you can just go to France with all the other pussies and cut up a piece of tofu to see the inner workings of a soy based product. [No offense toward the French]
In my opinion Sentience is the ability to have abstract emotions, think about the distant future, have ambitions other than survival and reproduction and finally having an awareness of one's self. If an animal is sentient could be discussed but as I said in my previous post they still feel pain: sentient or not and therefore should be treated as humanly as possible. Oh and yes animals do have emotions but they vary greatly from a human's emotions. None taken but we do dissect frogs in France... and no most women don't have hairy armpits ^^'. But I don't see why not wanting to dissect a frog makes you a *****.
Yes, men are controllers of the beast, but I believe that mankind are abusing their powers. I do not think that it is necessary to disect frogs just for the experience of learning. First of all, it hardly teaches you anything, and second you can easily to a virtualy disect on the computer. Simple as that, disecting should be banned in my opinion.