Sandbox Jerusalem

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Esorath, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    OK here is yet another Assassin's creed based map!

    Download Here: : Halo 3 File Details

    This map is based on the Middle District of Jerusalem.

    This map is a little more versatile as I have made it compatible with most game types.
    These types include:

    • Slayer
    • Capture the Flag
    • King of the Hill
    • Oddball
    • VIP
    Of Course the Assassin's Creed Juggernaut Game Variant Works for this as well

    Download Assassin's Creed Variant: : Halo 3 File Details

    The main goal that I hoped to accomplish with this map is a more extensive asymmetrical map that can be used for most game types. Also, Battle Rifle skills will be imperative with this map as there are only a few grenades on this map.

    The weapon set is as follows:

    • Battle Rifle x8
    • Sniper Rifle x2
    • Shotgun x1
    • Brute Shot x1
    • Missile Pod x1
    • Spartan Laser x1
    • Rockets x1
    • Sword x1
    The vehicle set is as follows:

    • Banshee x1
    • Ghost x1
    • Mongoose x1
    • Brute Chopper x1
    Equipment set is as follows:

    • Bubble Shield x1
    • Regenerator x1
    • Power Drain x1
    • Grav-Lift x2
    • Frag Grenades x4
    • Plasma Grenades x4
    • Active Camo x2
    • Overshield x2
    And finally here are some pictures:

    Here is a front Pic:

    Here is a side aerial view:

    View of Banshee and Ghost Area

    Alternate Side View:

    Please Download and Rate!!!
    Thanks, Esorath
    #1 Esorath, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Skater91411

    Skater91411 Ancient
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    seeing the planks from roof to roof will want to make me jump from building to building. loved the game and this map too looks nice.
  3. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Awesome. I loved Assassin's Creed and this map looks like good times too. It feels like a real city scape and the name adds to the look you've gone for. No one structure is the star of the map. You built a nice variety of small well spaced structures instead. Maybe a little more aerial cover as protection from the banshee, but with the missile pods it may not be that bad. Nice forge.
  4. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    Just got one question... Is anypart of it interlocked... I know that sandbox has eliminated the need to interlock... but it would be nice for the aesthetics. I have tried assasins creed, but got frustrated... the controls are too hard to learn. Any ways back to the map.. it looks really nice and seems a little too small for a banshee. But I see that u have cover so that adds to the balance. And the battle rifle skills I do agree with. You need to make the most of your shots (4shots) since there is so much cover to run to when bieng shot at. 4/5
  5. Biochipy

    Biochipy Ancient
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    I agree with makisupa007. It looks like it could be a real city, and each of the buildings seem to have a relatively equal amount of advantages and disadvantages. I've never played the Assasin's Creed juggernaut variant, but this map makes me want to try it out. I also like the vehicles; it looks like it would bring about some interesting gameplay in the streets between buildings.
    All in all, good job!
  6. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    to your question Asthetik,
    I think there are like 2 or 3 Interlocking pieces on this map to create some bridges or smoother walls, but not too much.
    I had an original map based on Damascus without an aerial vehicle, and the dunes provide sniper cover a tad too well. The vehicle allows a check on that problem. Also there are tunnels, a missile pod, and a laser to counteract the vehicles. So that's the reason for the Banshee.
    I hope this adds some insight to the map itself and be sure to check out Middle District and Damascus as well!

    D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Ancient
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    I think I'm in love!!!, The asthetics in this map are amazing, The layout completely reminds me of assasins creed, and I love the way u used the scaffoldings. I agree with everyone else in saying that the banshee could be a bit overpowering though. I have a question, Can the juggernaught use vehicles? anyway a definite 5/5 and a dl
  8. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    The Assassin's Creed Juggernaut Variant is as follows

    The Juggernaut is white and the rest of the people are red.
    The Juggernaut has less gravity and faster speed, but does not have the ability to pick up more grenades.
    The Vehicles are there for everyone's use.
    One change that might needed to be made is the Juggernaut needs a better shield.
    Thanks for the interest in my map!

    Also-applied to the Juggernaut Version.
    The weapons are off of the map and everyone only has swords
    #8 Esorath, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  9. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    This is actually a creative and well put-together map. It does seem a little open for a Banshee, but I can imagine being in Jerusalem and having an air strike. I would recommend swapping the Banshee for a Hornet, since this is meant to be true to life.

    Also, the buildings look great even though I wish they were a little bigger. But, of course, you can run out of space and objects. I still like this idea. I'd like to see some more Middle Eastern cities in the near future. Thanks and good luck.
  10. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Action Shots coming soon!
  11. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This was a really good idea. You did a very good job recreating an Assassins Creed map. The upside down half walls for the rooftop hideout are great, you should put a roof on them. Everything looks good but my only concern is that the Ghost, Banshee, and Chopper are very close to each other, I think you should have spread them out a little more. There also seems to be a large amount of power weapons, which may not be too bad as long as the respawn rates are set well enough. I understand you need something to fight the Banshee and Chopper but if you didnt change the rates, that means there will be alot of missles and lasers flyin around with no chance of survival in a Banshee. I am assuming you did change the respawn times from the default 30 seconds right? I will DL and check this out and get back to you.
  12. Bipolar Mushroom

    Senior Member

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    HOLY CRAP! OMG! the first picture astounded me! This is by far the best city map made in sandbox. I like how you built something from a different game, i remeber this part in assassins creed.
  13. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    wow, thi is amazing. i think you realy captured the experiences of Altair as well as the soldiers in this. 5/5
  14. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Thanks for all the comments guys and be sure to check out the new Jerusalem Market. A new Assassin's Creed Map...and possibly last one.
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I checked this out and it seemed like you spent a good amount of time building everthing, but then you just randomly through spawns and weapons around. You didnt even change the respawn times of the weapons or the vehicles, so if you think about it, thats not good. The only thing you did change is 1 out of the 2 active camos is at 60 sec. instead of 30. This would make gameplay suck. Think about it, A Spartan Laser spawning every 30 sec.... comeon now, same with a Banshee and a Chopper. Making a map isnt just building it. It can look good but it will still suck if you dont have a good weapon setup. Also, why did you drop spawn a regenerator? Was it even on purpose?, I didnt really get that. One more thing, try to group your spawn in some safe places. Its okay to have a few spawn points by themselves, but you want to have 2 or 3 together for an instance that the whole team dies, they will spawn together. Put them in some cover too, dont just throw them in the open, which you did here. Dont take this too harsh, its just true.
  16. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Thanks for the nearly 200 DL, there will be an undated version that fixes the spawns, weapons, vehicles, and fixtures that will be coming out as soon as possible
  17. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I like the map layout. At first i saw the title and im like "What kinda person names their map that?"

    But the layout is amazing. The banshee doesnt seem too overpowering with all of the cover.
  18. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    wow, this is awesome, tons of buildings, neat concept, it be cool if their were streetwars or somethin, like a team atacks another team from a alley way. looks like it would have tat type of city battle tyoe of gameplay from it, like in COD4.

    excellent job, cool concept, kudos 4 u, 4.95/5
  19. jday1235

    jday1235 Ancient
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    looks like u put a lot of effort into it and it paid off!

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