Might I recommend this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkxieS-6WuA It's purely theory but it's pretty interesting and I think illustrates what Nitrous meant pretty well.
Wow that was amazing. The most captivating video I've seen in a long while. Too bad they stopped at ten. Should have explained 11+
speed is a measure of distance over a given time, and travelling from A to B doesnt mean you can go AXB, saying that X is the idea of using a different medium to travel through which would in turn 'travel faster than light'
I must say, that guy really explains thing more understandably than most videos or articles I've watched/read about multiple dimensions... I can't really take too much of a stand of this because in the current knowledge we have about light speed is so muddled and full of mathematical guess work that one can't say anything one way or the other and be 100% sure about their view.
I'm glad you liked it. He did discuss the 11th dimension in another one of his videos but that's another theory. And he also made a video entitled why stop at ten dimensions? I'll link you to them at the end of my post. Spoiler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbz-CefzT-g&feature=channel_pagehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfhOBevrN2U&feature=channel
You know what the reminds me of is a person standing on earth as it revolves, technically you are moving at a substantial rate, but from your prospective you are standing still. I think this should be his reasoning for the theory, in all honesty it is a sound idea, except for containing a certain area of "normal" space. Distorting space if i am not mistaken is pressing the boundaries between planes? "no not air planes" but the supposed dimensional planes that exist in the universe "which has been debated is a multiverse with mutiple planes contaning such universes" sorry i got off topic but it is a sound theory to me, and im an avid Trekie and SG (Star Gate) junkie so lol i like both theories of wormholes and "warp speed"
Three possible outcomes: 1. Impossible: We get to travel at light speed. What fun. 2. Possible: We get to travel at more than light speed. What fun. 3. Einstein: We get to travel faster than light, and we break the universe. What fun.
I thought the equation E=MC^2 means that as objects move closer to the speed of light, they lose mass in proportion to a conversion into energy.
Um, it doesn't mean that.. Energy = mas x the constant (Speed of light)2. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. It's impossible. Nothing can even trvel the speed of light, only a photon. Humans could probaly bulid a ship in the future that probably travel maybe 40% the speed of light. In that case we could reach the nearest star in just a few years.
You cannot travel faster then light, yet you can reach a destination before it is. The only way too do that is take a shorter route. This method of fast travel goes into things like wormholes and bending spacetime.
Bending the third dimension using the fourth dimension doesn't really constitute as moving faster than the speed of light. It's like saying that you can run faster than a train because you can jump out of the way onto the next track.
Getting to a destination before light by bending dimensions and entering wormholes, is like...mind boggling. I thought faster than light travel is the concept of getting to a destination before light.
aka the Star Gate theory, a wormhole created by a gate that is linked to another gate each wormhole is assigned basically. only problem is you can't control where a wormhole can go. And my Topic is Speed of Light? so it encompass traveling as fast as or faster than. Another problem is the fact that a created wormhole would most likely be just as unstable as a real one, so it could collapse in on you, or other people could follow you through it. aka again Star Gate lol
By firing ALOT of EXTREMELY-High-Powered lasers at one point, you can tear a hole in space time. Problem is, the other side of the wormhole may be a black hole, you may appear INSIDE A STAR, who knows where you'll get out?
me too.. im confused??? what if you turned on your flashlight when going faster than the speed of light??
You can, by dialing into the pedestal thing. I think what you are trying to say, as soon as you get inside the wormhole, you can't control where you go. As you travel through a wormhole, you travel so fast that some actions are impossible to do, even when traveling to very distant destinations and the travel time is longer. Then again, you might be able to perform some actions, but this is all just theory and sci-fi.
The speed of light is a constant so if you turn on your flashlight in a train it will the light will still go at 300000 km/s (or whatever) not at the speed of light + the speed of the train. And you can't go faster than light so I guess we'll never know what would happen if you did do that. Nope it's like if you raced a car and took a shortcut to arrive before it... that wouldn't make you faster than it.